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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Can you be taught to Write?


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omg... i can't believe someone has enough time on their hands to animate that entire scene from like a 10 yr old music video in smilely's... worse yet, I can't belive I remember it...



the dreamlost

"you do it to yourself...you do... that's why it really hurts..."(radio head?)

the dream continues...

Edited by reverie
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I write because I have to.


I remember when I started reading one day - It was magic to me. I knew then that I had to write - I told my mom that I wanted to be a writer, and I have just gotten better.


The Artificer's Touch - My latest work, and one that I'm fairly proud of.


I don't believe that everyone can write - if nothing else, it helps fuel my elitist egotist inside and makes me feel special ^_^


I've learned to communicate with people - to learn what drives people, to learn when to be stern and when to pour my soul into a conversation. I can be as cold as a stone or burn with a fiery that inflames others and drives to a goal.


But if you're not willing to put enough effort into it it's not going to work.


So that's how it goes for me.

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My opinion: It is like everything in this world.


Anyone can do it, many in mediocrity, and sometimes someone comes along who has a talent and can do it whether they want to or not.


The part about wanting to do it comes when you start to talk about improvement. To get better, you have to really want to get better. You have to be able to recognize weaknesses for what they are, and you have to set yourself, heart and soul, to overcoming them.


It may sound simple but this has been proven to me in regards to other things. I have every reason to believe it holds true for most if not all abilities.


As for why do I write... that's a good question. As good as the first, and I find it tougher.


I've been writing about as long as I remember. I grew up reading, and writing came on the tail. Passion for it has allowed me to improve quite a bit. (The earliest story I can find is a really cute five page choose-your-own-adventure written in about a seven year old's hand, about a bee... (Do you run? Sit still? Swat at it???))


Meeting a few different people who write and write well has served as fuel for the passion, but I still cannot point to any begin point on my journey to this place and time.


Fare ye all well, then, on your journey away from now.... (although I hope many of you remain here)

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