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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Remembered Stream


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wrote the 99% of this last november, finally decided to finish editing it up n'stuff...



Remembered Stream (edited 01JUN2003)



Sing a song in two's and three's

Just one for the morning and one for the day

And one for the singer long sped away


Turn around and look at me,

See the soul lost to the sea...

Elegy and Epetaph

For the one lost to the wrath...


Why look in wonder?

Why look so confused?

When the things that you wanted,

No longer amuse...


Stand under the spot light…

In focus, you’ll rage...

Burn out the voice box...

With Eligence on stage...


The teas burning hot... Caffinee spurs the fair...

The poets will Rock... with new hip-hop flare...

Blow up the capital... Let them all now...

This new kind of wonder... is more than a show...


We’re singing and preaching,

In hemorrage we bleed...

Some die competing...

For laurals and greed.


Transending the fireflys...

In wave after wave...

It's time to Enlighten,

Enliven and Raise...


Applause all around

The chords must have struck...

Inside someones head

Words echoing, stuck...


But why look in wonder?

Why look at all?

For the things that you wanted,

Never needing at all...


It's all just extravagance...

To spice up and save...

A one night performance...

Read a-loud…from the Cave....






the dreamlost

"the FCC won't let me be..." (Eminem)

the dream continues...

Edited by reverie
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A call for simplicity and appreciation of what we have, as opposed to what we desire?

That's how I took it, with what I brought to the reading tonight.

I did have some trouble with some of the spelling - some of it was close enough to two different words I could've chosen either meaning.

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I do like this poem Reverie. Glad you decided to post it, but I think to actually trully like it I would have to understand its meaning, and to tell you the truth, I do not catch its meaning. Could you explain it to me in a bit of detail if you get a chance? Like Peredhil mentioned, minor spelling but otherwise good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

to peredhil: ...um i'll fix the spelling one of these days... sorry... :/ nice take though... thanx....


to angel_hoff and qui guy: uh, it was written after observing some slam poets compete in D.C. ...performance vs content is a sticking point, so I thought i'd write down my random reactions to it...




the dreamlost

"abort, retry, ignore..."

the dream continues...

Edited by reverie
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