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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Dark Night of the Soul

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A winter gale screams through my soul

A bitter wail escapes from clenched teeth

An eerie silence roars through my mind,

punctuated by harsh, demonic laughter.

A desperate need to flee hangs heavily

upon me

A darkness so deep that black seems like

white engulfs me like a shroud

A single beam of light I see in the distance

A yearning so intense grips me, pulls me

through the void.

The shape of a man appears in this flickering

gleam of hope

He sobs with pain in each spasm of my wounded


His kind eyes regard me with compassion

I long to feel His touch upon my life

He reaches out a scarred hand--a hand I helped

to hurt.

His hand inches closer to my face; I notice


A single drop of crimson appears in his palm

Then a river of life flows out

He touches my forehead--I scream

Demons screech in furry as they flee the tide

The crimson tide is a river of molten love

Love surges through my veins, cleansing my


No longer am I ice; His love melted me

A new life source flow through my body

The murmur of a babbling brook replaces the


A sigh of contentment escapes my smiling


The voice of a thousand angels fill my mind,

leaving me weeping with pure, unrestrained


White fire has replaced my midnight skies.

The man, a stranger once, my Savior now

Smiles upon His new creation and holds me

I'm embraced in His Love, Warmth and Light

A beam of light is waiting for you

Your life may be a field of coal

But there is a diamond out there

A diamond with a pulsing warmth

Perhaps you will feel the yearning

Perhaps you will feel the need

He loves....He yearns...He needs...

You need

Edited by Shadow of the Butterfly
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I must say, I read over this poem quite quickly but I still grabbed the concept of it, and I trully loved the poem. So much raw emption of love and pain and the needing of another. Way to produce such feelings onto paper, its so hard.. Good Job Senora Butterfly

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