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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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nor THAT sounds like the kids' dad!

a smeary pen may make recognizable chicken tracks out of an otherwise unintelligible scribble?



personally, i do prefer Pilot or Uni-Ball pens, though they don't come in the colours i prefer, so i have reconciled myself to the compromise. The brand and style of pen i prefer when filling in forms and other official writings, and the colours of pens i prefer when writing is less formal or personal character is allowed to peek through.


And in those cases - perhaps i am that old, as while i don't wear purple i do prefer purple ink. Perhaps a rewrite of the original is in order? ;)

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Oi... I haven't worked at Staples in over six months, yet I still recognize all those pen names. Goddamn they have way too many writing utensils there. O.o


I use a 0.7 mm mechanical pencil with a (supposedly) comfy grip to write everything, even exams. I'm left-handed, so me and pens don't get along at all... I abhor them. *twitch* If my customary pencil is nowhere to be found, or my canister of leads has gone missing again, I'll settle for another 0.7 or 0.5 mm... I have five or six at any given time, to raise my chances of finding at least one. =D Oh... and with the speed my profs talk in lecture, normal pencils are impossible. You'd miss three pages in the time it took to sharpen. Literally. O.o

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We ARE authors, after all...should not the merits of a particular pen or pencil be a concern? After all, if we are not comfortable with our writing utensil, our productivity is hindered.

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Me? Well, though I happen to be one of the few people who is also a southpaw (lefty for those of you who may not know), I happen to love writing. I walk through the halls of my school and find any writing utensil that is on the ground... as long as it has an eraesr for pencils. I despise any form of regular pencil except those mad by Skillcraft... their lead/graphite is better than anyone elses. But, I overall prefer a nice .5mm mech pencil to do my D&D, my drawings, and a few other menial tasks. Otherwise, I use pens of all sorts for everything. Oh, and the mech pencils that have the extra metal point at the end... they make great cutting utensils, though I've never done more than poke myself with them. I use the cutting function for cutting the inside out of shapes on models made of paper.


However, despute how much I love regular writing, nothing comes close to a good keyboard.

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I will use what ever falls into my hands but a pen given to me by afriend with a jounal is my favorite. don't know who makes it but it is just the right size and shap to fit into my hand as if it were and extention of myself.

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a nice .5mm mech pencil

a mech pencil? I can just imagine it...fighting over the streets of Tokyo, blasting away with absurd amounts of weaponry, crashing into office buildings, morphing into a giant jet or bug or something...


Man, I think I'm getting delerious from hunger, I should go get a burrito or something...


ANyway, I've been thinking about getting a typewriter. I can type a lot faster than I can write (although I'll probably always carry around my little notebook and pen for those sudden ideas), but when I'm on my computer I tend to get distracted (I have the attention span of a ferret on sugar and my comuter has all kinds of shiny programs). I figure a typewriter would solve these problems. Of course, I have no clue where to find one that still works well; the technology revolution's pretty much run them out of business...


Oh well, I guess I'll just have to stick with my PENtium. :D

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the precision, finery, and almost long lasting mechanical pencil is my choice of "weaponary" when dealing blows to writer blocks and pinning down ideas into words.

A pen would always run out of ink (unless refills, which is rare) or any pencil will be used up eveuntually.

The Mechanical pencil is more then a mere convinenance, it's always sharp, handles wonderfully, and never obslete. It could be thick, thin, heavy, long, balanced in any way, but if you have just one it'll always be that one. There will be no need to adjust to a new pen/pencil because it ran out. My first mehcanical pencil carried me through grade 7 to grade 12... my second one carried me from grade 13 to summer of Year 3...

Ofcourse my art teacher back in high school used to complain that a mechanical pencil scratches the surfaces of the paper and so on... and the mechanical pencil only got HB lead so you can't use different tone... i'd showed him when i hand in my drawing of David ...


anyways enough dabbling, The Mechanical Pencil is Mighties then all!

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Searching within the jumbled part of my backpack used for carrying writing utensils, I found:


-One fully operating retractable Bic pen, filled with black ink (I tend to shy away from extravagant ink colors...)


-One small stub of a pencil, barely hold-able and lacking an eraser... possibly the lost remnants of some hectic semester passed.


-One half of a poorly fabricated "Estelle Gelman Day" George Washington

University retractable pen, which had been given out free in celebration of the holiday.


-The other half of the "Estelle Gelman Day" pen, this one complete with a loose (and fortunatly sealed!) ink cylinder. Should have known that the pen's fancy appearence would be accompanied by a flimsy durability...


-One long #2 pencil with a slightly shakey lead tip... Does anyone else have problems with pencil sharpeners due to their eating the tips of pencils rather than sharpening them? I hate it when that happens...


Within the drawers of my desk, I also have many spare pencils, though I seem to be lacking in back-up pens at the moment...


I won't even dare to begin listing the number of pens the character Wyvern holds in his inventory... the lizard has lots and lots of back-ups since he needs them for signing contracts. ;)

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that's one of the reasons i don't usually use pencils, the tips break or they become dull and the pencil sharpeners are far more likely to eat them than to sharpen them.

Though i have gotten rather fond of my battery powered pencil sharpener. The kids like it too, as evidenced by the fact that it keeps wandering away from my desk. ;)

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