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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

So it Stopped


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Since time stopped

Stopped and stopped

Slowed to gray


Since time stopped again

The world turned gray.


To have tried

Tried and tried



To have tried telling

All of my Secrets


And atone

Atone and atone

At no fault

Of mine

And atone fault

Not my own


I tried to not tell

Lies anymore

But I hate myself

For your doings

So finally

My world stopped.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I get a kind of eerie feeling from this one, Nyyark. It's a good poem - I can hear it read with a voice void of emotion - and the words & form seem to be conveying that very well (though I won't pretend to understand the poem - I just tend to let things sink in whether I understand them or not. :) ).


It is a very powerful poem. Thank you for sharing - though I'm sorry for whatever brought it up :( (I know you said it wasn't about you, but poems usually come with feelings or something from life).


You're a good poet, I hope you continue to post.


- Justin

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I really felt like this poem had a lot of power and emotion behind it. Like the others, the overall point is vague, but sometimes I think that's good because it causes people to ponder it longer. Let it linger in their minds.


Thank you for sharing,


~Salinye :butterfly:

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