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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Different Stars


I walk a little under the stars and wonder what do you see

Patterns that I have never seen and probably never will

But to know that we we look into the same expance ,

that we exist in the same world

makes my heart sing.


I run through a field of flowers and think of times gone by

My mind is full of blossoms sent and many thoughts of you

Time slides away from us but memories stay

that we have shared this field before

Intensified by age


I now sit wrinkled and old in my bed and wish for youth's caress

More time I will to be once more happy and free

but alas it can not be my body frail and tired

that I remember you keeps my heart alive

my soul meets yours again

under different stars



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Peredhil saunters in to rub Melba's shoulders and finds Wren waiting anxiously.


Wren! I'm so happy you found us! You stirred us with a few of your works at the old place, and I was wondering if you'd find your way here.


He smiles and makes small talk with Wren. Melba hisses and groans in pleasure as Peredhil's expert hands work on the knotted muscles in her neck. Wren misses most of what Peredhil says, fascinated in a strange way by the rhythmic sway of the wattles under Melba's chin. She comes back to herself as Peredhil repeats his last question.


So, you're finally applying? At her anxious nod, he smiles


You'll do fine!


As he wanders away, Melba pulls out a small mirror and attempts to straighten her hennaed hair in case the Man of her Dreams, Brute, should wander in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In an area distant from the Recruiter's Office, Canid exits the Pen's central restrooms and brushes off some dust from her fur, having greatly relieved herself of the indigestion that had troubled her stomach earlier. Walking from the restrooms in search of purple fuzzies and not taking notice of the strange sounds coming from the bathroom stall she had previously used, a bizarre bubbling creature emerges from the tubing of a toilet... It lived!


Wrenwind waits patiently in the Recruiter's Office for Wyvern, thinking back to the poem she had written for an application and considering how much she may have aged waiting for the overgrown lizard's arrival... Sighing to herself in boredome, Wrenwind raises an eyebrow curiously as she notices Melba in the corner of the room banging her fists relentlessly against what appears to be a "Wyvern Punching Bag ™". The Almost-Secretary of Initiates was once again furious at Wyvern's absence, and becomes more furious still when the defective punching bag (which, ironically enough, is actually a product of Wyvern Industries) breaks open and showers her with the cheaply gathered pebbles stored within. Melba is about to grab Wyvern's desk and toss it out the window at a nearby tree when suddenly, the overgrown lizard himself barges into the Office...


Wyvern swiftly enters the room, placing a large container of bottles he had collected onto the ground while greeting Wrenwind and Melba nonchalantly, as if he hadn't been absent for a few weeks. Melba's head and jaw tilt and lock into the distraught position that Peredhil had been massaging earlier, as her temper is raised even further by Wyvern's calm mannerisms. The Almost-Secretary is about to let out an enormous scream of rage when the overgrown lizard suddenly grabs Wrenwind's application poem from his desk, carefully reads it over, and exclaims:


"I notice you tackle the theme of age in this poem, Wrenwind... which means I may actually have a product you might be interested in!"


Having said this, Wyvern takes out a whistle and blows on it, which cues the some corny commercial music that begins playing in the background. Wyvern takes out a bottle from the container he had placed on the ground, takes a deep breath, and rapidly exclaims:






Wrenwind stutters as Wyvern increases the pace of his fast talking and the music in the background becomes louder, with the chorus "Wyvie's wight! Wyvie wipes!!!" repeating horrendously in the background.








Having spewed this, Wyvern points enthusiastically to the bottle he holds and shoves it in Wrenwind's face in coordinance with the exclamations of "Wyvie's wight! Wyvie wipes!!!", that were growing increasing loud and annoying in the background. Wrenwind flinches and backs away, hoping the commercial will end soon. She thinks her prayers are answered as the music suddenly stops, but Wyvern swiftly points to the bottle he holds once again and exclaims:


"And now, to finish this advertisement, lets have a word from a satisfied client..."


Having said this, Wyvern blows a whistle and Sexy the Elder dwarf hobbles into the room, wearing a poor phony moustach for a disguise. Standing in front of Wyvern and clearing his throat, the Elder dwarf recites his obviously forcefully memorized lines:


"I used Wyvie Wypes... and now, I have the look of... errr... A young child! Yes, even the change in size was significant... I feel... so much younger now. Waves happily and exits from the set."


Wyvern slaps his forehead as Sexy recites the action he's supposed to do rather than doing it, and quickly shoos him off the set. When Wyvern returns, he ACCEPTS Wrenwind's application and offers her a free sampler of Wyvie Wypes...




OOC: A very good poem, Wrenwind, and certainly an ACCEPTED application. Welcome to the Mighty Pen! :) My apologies in the lateness of getting to responding, midterms have kept me extremely busy the past few weeks... Remember to either post your e-mail address here or send me an e-mail at elitwack90@hotmail.com so I can get you some additional Pen info. Once again, welcome!

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