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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

slips, slides, and letting go

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We were climbing a dangerous path we two,

The way was unmarked, but our love guided.

My eyes were unbelieveably full of you.

Its a wonder I hadn't slipped before.


It took me a while to realise someone had tripped

Me, but by then, it didn't matter. When you

Turned, I watched as your heart ripped.

Why did you think I had stopped climbing on up?


I watched with eyes filled with pain and sorrow

As another joined you and you kept going.

Yet while someone was with me, the tommorrow

Came and left me, all alone and standing still.


I tried to climb up alone, but found it didn't work

I slipped again and this time, no one watched me fall.

Down and down I tumbled, down where shadows lurk.

They surrounded me and I thought myself gone.


But someone gently gathered me up, placed me

Back on my feet and let me stand. Now my friends

Are also there with the someone, and I can truly see.

They were cheering me on all the time, I just didn't know.


I see you up ont he top sometimes, and I wish you luck.

May no ill come your way for you have had your share.

You have spent more than enough time in the muck.

Fly free... Now those words said, I am lighter again.

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I'm a-LIKING this one!


You're good enough that I felt your climb and began to climb with you.

I sighed in disappointment and hurt as we fell - not another tragedy, but you'd bound me to your words by that point and my heart had no choice but to tumble with you.

How uplifting that you stood up, shook off, and let go, freeing the reader as well.


May your eclipses always be few.



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