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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Lovelorn - Part I


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I - Praise.


Dust cakes my face.

I trudge through sand dunes

As I walk the desert that has

become my life's story.

My eyes decieve me!

An Oasis? Glorious day!

The image of a beetle, I scurry toward it.


The oasis has hair the color of the setting sun

Eyes that flash and glint like jewels

Lips as full and red as the morning rose

And a heart like a symphony

But look at her blinders! Why?

How can she not see how beautiful she is

And live in shame and torment?


But ghosts they cloud my judgement

And linger in my past.

Love is not for the wicked or dead,

The scavengers that pick the bones

of the deadened oaks to feed their empty bellies. But what can I do?

I have glimpsed perfection, and am smitten.


The starry night sky is dull and sere

when I compare her to it

Would that I could cast her up

Amid the stars, spell out her name

Then her brightness would light the world

And the sun would turn it's head in shame

And the moon would look like a lump of coal

And hide itself from her glittering gaze


If I could build a diamond throne

And ornament it with sparkling rubies

And shining emeralds and opulent pearls

So that when I put her upon the sterling seat

All the stones would lose their fire and seem cold

When compared to one that couldst outshine the sun

And never know how.



Cioden Darkeye


Quill-Bearer - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses

"Oh my God, I'm LEAKING POETRY!"

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