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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Essence of Writing


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Was surfing through all sorts of old files and AM battle raports and AIM logs and whatnots, and found this:




LordZadown: it's the images, man


LordZadown: the visions


LordZadown: the paintings done with words


LordZadown: one picture is a thousand words, but one painted with a two dozen words is still a thousand words when you look at it again and again


LordZadown: good text expands upon reading


LordZadown: it is distilled


LordZadown: the essence of what it describes


(name removed): interesting view on this


LordZadown: I just made it up


LordZadown: but I'm still serious


LordZadown: poems are a perfect example


LordZadown: a few words - and you see a still moment


(name removed): I know what you mean


LordZadown: to write is to see visions and to distill the focus points out of it and write those out to others


LordZadown: to draw the essence and the soul of the moment you are describing


LordZadown: one can always extrapolate and deduct the things that are not needed


LordZadown: "fir" says green, it says the smell of a forest, it implies squirrels somewhere


LordZadown: but it is still a single word


LordZadown: ...


(name removed): squirrels???


LordZadown: perhaps


LordZadown: perhaps not


LordZadown: that depends on what else is written and who reads it


(name removed): ... guess it does :-D




Dunno. I kinda liked reading it. That's (still) how and why I write.

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This is just to say




I have eaten


the plums


that were in


the icebox




and which


you were probably




for breakfast.




Forgive me


they were delicious


so sweet


and so cold.




-William Carlos Williams



Kendricke's Profile


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