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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Dreamer - story so far


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Perhaps some newer members would read the old Dreamer stories, but they are scattered here and there and everywhere? Or, if that is just false hope, I'll make these links (in the right order for the Dreamer himself, but not necessarily for the others, too) for myself to track the twisting and turning path of the overpowerful godslayer.


The entrance of the confused planewalker, still chaos and raw emotions after his deep and long slumber:




The Dreamer, now named, retreats from the turmoil he caused and seeks council:




Meditating upon the information he receives, he also pulls forth old memories and starts to recover:




Blocked from his fortress, he decides to reside at the Pen Keep for a while .. and meets Yui again, telling her a story:




After restoring himself to state of some stability, he meets his apprentice (even though the actual meeting is a tale not yet told) .. and gets into trouble because of his pupil:




Hunted, at the Border of known worlds, he makes a decision:




Without direction, without wisdom, he seeks both and tries to scry the future:




Set to definite path once again, he walks towards wisdom, limited and still hunted:




This spot is missing a tale ...


After being chased away from the road he chose, he nevertheless returns to as close to his old glory as he can get:



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Score card? What an odd choice of words.


Perhaps a summer project would be to edit this into a novel. It would sell.



Ancient, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.

Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards.

Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.

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