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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Happy Birthday, Mynx and Falcon!!


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Ayshela smiled to herself as she slipped a folded note under Falcon's door. He wouldn't be back yet for a half hour, which would leave just enough time...


She slipped down the stairs and into the courtyard, where she had last seen Mynx and her kitten minions. Ahha, there they were, Mynx still reading under the oak tree with the kittens playing near her feet. This would be fun!!


One quick flip of her wrist had a long length of twine tossed across the courtyard, small weight and several feathers attached. The kitten minions nearly collided mid-air in their collective scramble to catch it. Twitching the line and slowly pulling it toward her, Ayshela lured the kittens into the Keep and down the hall toward the Cabaret, knowing that Mynx would notice and follow to see what had so thoroughly caught her minions' attention.


With one last tug and a quick giggle, Ayshela lured the kittens toward the back of the cabaret and hung the feathers-on-a-string from a handy nail on a beam, keeping them entertained and out from underfoot in one maneuver.


Mynx met Falcon just outside the door. They entered to a shower of confetti and balloons, shouts of "Happy Birthday!" and hugs from all present.


OOC: Happy Birthday, to the both of you! I hope life is treating you well, and you have lots of reason and opportunity to celebrate. *huge hugs*

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