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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Shady Gift Negotiations


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Wyvern tip-toes his way through the darkened halls of the Cabaret Room, curving his tail stinger up to not awaken any pennites with the sounds of static carpet scratches or floor wood scrapings. His beady eyes dart left and right as he adjusts his dark gray overcoat further over his scales, the bulge of his wings barely letting the cheap fabric cover his snout. Once he's confident that no one is around to watch him, Wyvern reaches into his overcoat and begins digging through it in search of something, dropping a loud clown horn, a sensitive alarm clock, an extra rowdy imp and a banana peel in the process. The overgrown lizard curses loudly over the resulting sounds, only adding to the Pen's late night noise pollution as he pulls out the black bow-bonded gift he was searching for. Wyvern bites his lip over the noise and quickly scampers over to a darkened corner of the room, raising a claw to his snout in a desperate plea for the imp to keep quiet. He whimpers when it starts ambling towards the alarm clock, and quickly turns to the dark corner to whisper in rushed hisses:


"Quick, there'ssss not much time. Sleep-deprived pennitessss will be flicking on the lights any minute now." Wyvern kneels down and sets his gift in the very center of the darkened corner, leaning in carefully. "Think she'll like it?"


Wyvern listens to the soft whispers of the shadows for a moment, trying to ignore the imp pouncing towards the clock and slowly nodding.


"Well I found'em in sssilvery black. I'm sure the glovesss'll look nice on her plus the guy at the second-hand magi shop told me they were only worn once by sssome sassy shadecrafter." Wyvern's snout darts back to the scene of the Cabaret noise, then focuses on the shadow again. "I alssso included some Almost Dragonic Brand Even Slower Motion Potions™, sssince we could all use a few those at the moment I'm sure. You will deliver this to her, wherever she is, won't you?"


Wyvern leans in to hear the soft whisper of an answer, only to suddenly jump as an angry mob of pennites storms in, yelling something about angsty imps and alarm clocks not mixing. Bright lights suddenly fill the room, causing the shadows to disperse... and causing the gift that Wyvern had entrusted them with to vanish along with them.


"L-l-lisssten folks, I can explain..."


Wyvern stammers as he backs up against the wall, slipping slightly over the lost banana peel in the process.


OOC: Happy Birthday, Yui-chan. :) Hope you have a great one, and many happy days to come!

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