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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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O.K., it's obvious my first attempt to HOST an RP (28 Weeks Later) has failed.


Being the optimistic pessimist that I am, I am not surprised BUT, hope to learn from it.


I can personally see several things I did wrong. Still, I would like input from others so that I may learn from it.


Give advice.


Be critical.


Be harsh.


Be mean.


Just don't call me Shirley.


Thanks for ANY input.

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I haven't followed the original RP thread, and just skimmed through it when I saw your post, Snypiuer... but I don't know whether you can say that it was a failure. It did come to a halt after a while, but honestly I have no clue why it happened; unfortunately RL has the bad habit of interfering with our writing times, and inspiration is also fickle. I have noticed that activity at the RP threads at the Pen (even the cooperative stories and interactive threads in general) suffer from some 'inconstancy' — they have spurts of activity and then periods of quiet. While interactive threads (see for example the First Line Poetry Challenge) do not suffer as much from those inactivity periods, RPing is usually killed when people cannot keep posting, for one reason or another.


The only thing that occurs to me, right now, is that maybe people missed a bit of information on how to go on... but since I have not read the whole thread, I cannot say whether this was a factor or not. But I think that having an OOC thread (at the Greenroom) usually helps people to exchange ideas and plan interactions in a RP, and maybe can be used as a motivational factor...


Also, sometimes it's just a personal choice... sometimes we are just not thrilled/inspired by the direction things go as we interact further in open RP. It has happened to me — it has become pointless after a while because I had no idea what was going on anymore and what people expected me to post... but then, that's a personal view on specific situations.


Other than those... well, keep trying? People will always have fun with the chance to post :)

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I can only give my personal reasons of course, but in my eyes it wasn't a failure. The main reason why I stopped is because it went from it's leisurely pace to insane high-way ghost driving pace and I just can't keep up with that (my AFK gets in the way ;p)


The OOC thread might've helped, like Tanny said, but again, for me that would've meant even more reading ;p


I am sorry we didn't continue on that path though, the concept was the first in years to catch my attention and dust off some old characters ^_^


I liked it while it lasted is what I wanna say, sorry for not giving more feedback on how to improve, I think Tanny said most of it already anyways ^_^

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