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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Dear mighty pen friends,


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Hey guys!


sorry for not talking to you all for so long! I've been at a bording school getting trained for police work. Let me just say The training is fun while sucking horribly at the same time. However in all the chaos out here I have found my soul mate. we're working hard to get complete our classes so that we can finish paying off varrious bills and tie the knot. also have been promoted to a position of leadership twice (two differant positions). Been quite stressed out due to this, however I'm enjoying the time. Ok well I am happy to have the time to post and 'see' you all again.



See Ya Soon!

Mai Takekaze

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arigato to all who read or replied. Just an update for all out there i have finished the hands on training and sprayed today (this morning to be exact). Anyway me and my fiance (who i am trying to convence to make an aperance) are looking for inexpencive living arangments together now and will be out after a few more classes (classes to help us find jobs). anyway good to hear from all you out there and will soon be talking more often to all you.



Mai Takekaze

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  • 1 year later...

well another long absence and i'm back. its been an eventful time since i wrote last. i am now married to my finance' and am working at my church in various areas. been fired twice and still looking for work. anyway its great to be back here; it still feels like home.

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A faint wind from an inadvertent flap of wings blows across the back of mai takekaze's hair, making Wyvern's hiss of recognition all the more recognizable. The reptilian Elder pockets the little inkwell-shaped canteen of Bruteweiser he was nursing and steps into the Cabaret quarters with a half-drunken smirk, swaying around leisurely before circling and eventually pausing next to mai.


"Greetingssss mai, long time no sssee." Wyvern raises a claw in greeting, then lets his tongue hang loose as he begins digging through his pockets for something. The overgrown lizard clears his throat when his claw re-emerges with a stack of IOUs, which he flips through once as if they were a stack of highly valued bills. "I'm afraid I don't have much in termsss of World Domination Schemer Police Bribe Money, but I figure sssince you're with the church now a couple of Almost Dragonic Brand Heavy Product Waivers™ will do?"


Wyvern hands mai a heavy granite waiver for an Almost Dragonic Brand Ink Ne'er-do-Well™, then re-pockets his stack of IOUs and pulls out his own inkwell again, taking another swig of it with an emphatic swoosh of his tail. The reptilian Elder stretches his wings and pats mai takekaze on the shoulder, then continues on his course through the Cabaret Room towards the Recruiters Office, making a point to paw any Cabaret paintings or pottery of value on his way there...


OOC: Welcome back, mai. :-) Glad the Pen still feels like home.

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