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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Crumby Nuts N' Boltz, anyone?


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Wyvern scampers into the Cabaret Room pulling a tall metallic platter by a pully attached to his stinger. The cart weaves left and right as Wyvern prances through the room with reckless abandon, narrowly missing several brand new replacement vases and almost running over Mynx as he screeches to an unstable halt. The overgrown lizard lifts a claw to catch the dull metal lid of the platter before it tips over, then digs into his pocket and pulls out a chocolate-covered desert chime. He rings it with a claw, then licks his fingers and hisses:


"Free cake fer all in honor of Patrick's B-day! First come, first serve." Wyvern removes the lid of the platter with both hands, revealing a tall frosted pastry in a brown basket ressembling a tool kit. The layers of the pastry curve upward in swirls like a giant screw, and multi-colored sugar streaks line its surface like live wires. "It'sss an Almost Dragonic Brand Crumby Nuts N' Boltz Cake™, fixed up in honor of Patrick's continual devotion to administrative enchantments at the Pen. Alwaysss appreciated buddy. Dig in."


A long moment of silence passes as noone dares to set foot near the cake. Finally, Whisky in Babylon decides to approach Wyvern and whispers something into his ear.


"What, the dead mouse? Oh no, it'sss supposed to be up there... it's Patham's birthday as well y'know." Wyvern stares up at the dead mouse that crowns the towering cake confection and sneers. "Just avoid eating the rat poison frosting on the cake's tip and you should be fine. Here's hoping the birthday owl arrives here before the Grim Squeaker, though..."




OOC: Happy Birthday, Patrick! Thanks once again for all your hard work in solving technical glitches, modifying the skins and keeping the Pen boards as upgraded as they need to be. Oh, and thank you for being you as well. :-)

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*Ayshela wanders in with a heaping platter of brownies. "Oh! I didn't realize there was already a cake here! Well, these can be backup in case we run out." The brownies are gently placed on a table near the cake. Ayshela then whirls and tacklehugs Patrick. "Happy Birthday! Wouldn't be a proper birthday without hugs, would it?"*



OOC: A very happy birthday to you! Hope you have a splendid time!

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