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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A Note


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Here in the Cabaret and the Minstrel hall, at this very moment, we are having grand, sweeping, "let's-roll-up-our-sleeves-and-get-down-to-work" discussions on many issues that have been a long time in coming OUT.


I for one, amd thrilled at the response (see also "A Discussion",right here in the Cab and The Mighty Pen Review in the Minstrel Hall*). Do I agree with everything said? Well, no...but the fact remains this' all stuff that we as a community have needed to get off of our collected butts and work through togther for a long time now, even if it "only" leaves us with a better understanding of one another. Thus, how each talk is going makes me want to dance a little jig (inbetween grasping for my ibuprofen and gasping for breath- long and deep discussion. Not in the bad way- just that it's so VERY big, it's hard to keep up with everybody!)


That brings me to the main reason behind this note. They've been such wonderful and involved processes since they started, but I'm wrestling with the added personal blessing and difficulty of having been tapped for a promotion at my job three days after the "A Discussion" discussion began. This is awesome for me, in the long term, but in the short term, while I'm still under review for the position, I'm needing to run around like a crazy person every single work day, and I don't forsee that stopping until approximately a month after I get promoted.


In short, I *am* following all of it, but have to do so at about half the speed that everyone else is, at leats for now. But that in no way means I've abandoned anybody and their hard work, even if it ends up meaning that I have replied for a day or two to anything. It just means I'm still reading, considering, and conferencing over the phone with those Pennites I am in phone contatct with.





Keep up the good work, folks. :>)



~Ozymandias~ :dragon:



*Minstrel Hall is open only to voting members, if anyone wasn't sure. If you have any questions I'lll be happy to answer in as timely a manner as I can.

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