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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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I'm moving within the next week. I'll be picking the keys up on Friday, and spending the next several days dragging things from one place to another, cleaning, painting, and probably doing a fair amount of cursing. :blink: That being the case, I'm not sure what my availability will be for keeping up on ANYthing here for that time period. We're already in the process of transferring utililities, so with a decent amount of luck 'net downtime will be a matter of two or three days. (Not holding my breath on that one, though... the pessimistic imp in the back of my head shrieks with laughter at the very idea of things working that smoothly...)


I'm going to hit as much stuff here as I can tonight, since tomorrow's going to be a mass of boxes and bags and I'm babysitting in the midst of it all, and then Friday the real fun starts. I'll check in as often as I can, but if I'm wanted for something specific it'd be a good idea to poke me about it. I have PM notifications turned on, or I can be e-mailed directly at ayshela@gmail.com if you'd rather.


Not falling off the face of the earth, I promise. =) Not ignoring anyone, either. Just cursing my way from one place to the next, trying to figure out how many different ways one can accurately describe how very much I despise the whole moving process.


*huggles* all, on the way to the next mound of boxes

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Good luck - I hope everything goes as smoothly as can be expected! I'd offer to help, but since they haven't invented a way to crawl through the 'Net's wires or any other sort of instant teleportation yet it wouldn't be of much use, so I'll just keep my thumbs up here. ^_^

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Thank you, all of you! =)


I will try to pop in briefly once more before my computer gets moved, because once that happens I'm offline until we can get the last of the utilities *there* transferred out of the name of the previous tenant who skipped out. O_o Hopefully will be back in a day or two.


*huggles all*

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  • 2 weeks later...

have moved in the sense of being out of the old and into the new. Still am higher and deeper in boxes and totes and *stuff* awaiting all of our sorting out. *siiigh* (remembers the long ago days I took everything important, stuffed it all into a trash bag, and bolted out the door...)


Have 'net access, though still dealing with sporadic time availability. New e-mail is working, though, and I *think* i have all the necessary bits and bytes flipped to get everything *re*changed so it comes straight to the home address. I KNOW this one is. =) So at need - phone me, e-mail me, PM me, poke Alaeha and ask him to poke me for you - whatever. ;) Will make a point of checking in once a day, though, if I have to wait until everybloodyoneelse has finally given up and gone to sleep!



have missed you all

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