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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Stream of consciousness Association

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This is an extension of the word association game with an additional twist;


You can write whatever you want.


It can be as simple as an emoticon, a picture, or a word, or a phrase, or a poem, or even a story - whatever the previous post inspires, the idea is to let whatever comes and post it to inspire the next participant. Let your creativity run!!!


Of course, the longer you take in your response, the greater the risk that someone else may post first... ;)


Enjoy! :lol:

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"Blue sky all around me" -someone from long ago that wrote this tune/lyric/fragment or what have.


Blue like the sky over the wide open oceanic sea. Although, I've never been far out to sea. Land is good. It's safe, and doesn't make you sick as often.


"Baby blue's" a good song too. Think Dylan wrote it, not sure. I know Aimee Mann did a cover of it way back when. Oh wait that's a another song of hers too "Way back When."




"I remember you from way back when-


Good evening ladies, gentleman."


Fun, fun.


But back to the big wide open happy rectangle we call Blue.


Ya know I once heard that blue tends to be the favorite colors of most men. Not always, but often enough that women will purposely wear blue just to attract men. It this true? I don't know, sounds fun though, since I happen to love blue, I prefer viewing the pen and blue, and I was even a blue mage way back when.


*starts humming again*


But greens has it's strong points too. I openly resist my attachment to green though, as it has too many military connotations to it. But, I still like it. Browns neat too.


Viva Earth Tones!!!

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A brave explorer went on an adventure one fine day, in search of the Pretty-Darn-Holy Grail, which, he had been told, was simple, reliable, and effective. He just couldn't pass that up.


After travelling many days and nights over many miles of forest and desert, he came to a great blue-stone temple deep in a dark jungle. With some trepidation, he entered the narrow stone passageway and followed it down, down, down, under the forboding earth.


At the bottom he found a chamber lit with blue flamed torches, a strange alter with a blue statue of a demon, and a well full of deep blue water below it. He was very thirsty, so bent to drink his fill, but as his lips touched the water the statue suddenly sprung to life, swelling to immense proportions, hissing and growling menacingly.


"I am the Blue Demon!" the monster roared. "Who dares disturb my alter, for any who have profaned it's deep blue waters with their touch shall pay with their lives!"


The brave explorer jumped back with surprise, then after half a heart beat whipped out a swiss army knife. He quickly unfolded the blade. It was one inch long. The demon bagan laughing uproariously at the sight of it, but the explorer jumped to, hacking the blue demon to bits.







The blue demon fell to the ground, blue blood spurting from a hundred wounds. "I guess it really IS how you use it..." he said, and then died. Suddenly from the well at the alter a brilliant blue glow began to illuminate the cavern, and then a brilliant blue object slowly raised out of the pool.


The explorer was nearly blinded, but shielding his eyes with his hands he was astonished to just be able to make out...


his reflection.

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Isn't it funny how your mind picks the strangest times to indulge in a bit of reflection. As in, when the car you're in goes out of control coming out of a turn, and all you can think of is, 'Well, this is G-d's way of telling me not to get too cocky, isn't it?'. And when you're running down the road and you don't know where on earth you are, and you think, 'What if I'm lost or headed in the wrong direction?' when it could be true on so many levels. And when you're finally sitting in class and you're so shaken up and stressed and you think, 'How am I supposed to sit and pay attention to this, when I could have died?'


And then all you can do, all you can ever do, is thank G-d.

Edited by Evangeline
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The torch was lit.


"So what are we going to set on fire?"


He asked it with a casual voice, but inside he trembled with excitement. The white cap over his head itched slightly as it had been another hot day today, but it would all be worth it in the end.


(No idea where this came from o_O)

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Said Akallabeth, surveying the new coat he had asked the twisted old hag to make for him from his hair.


The loom was now nothing but a furry mess of white and brown dog hair, and certainly didn't look like it would keep out a draft, much less hold together long enough to be of any use.


Letting out a howl of annoyance, he cried,


::I want it done right, or my fur back!::

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I pulled the misc classic rock album from the stack in my garage. It wasn't a bad album none of them were really. Well so long as you like the 70's and 80's. Those two inches dedicated to Psychedelic Furs seemed put the rest of the collection's taste in question for me. I had invertantly seen the Psychedelic Furs live in the mid 90's. It was one the saddest things I'd ever seen. An aging New-Wave what-to-be Bono/David Bowie still singing he same worn out songs, to a small crowd of equally aging fans still sporting 80's leather fashions and flock-of-sea-galls hair styles. I made it four songs (all long dead pop hits) before walking out.


But the rest of the collection wasn't bad. They belong to my long absent land-lord along with the several pontoons and kayaks suspending between the steal girders that lined the ceiling, or at least that's what all of us assumed. Erin thought so at least, and she seemed to know the most about the local house lore. No one had ever met the land lord. All I know is that he lived very very far away in some place like Switzerland and the college kid he had hired to manage our non-existence lease lived in another state. So pretty much we were on our own, which suited me well enough. The lease or verbal agreement really (as I had no one in the house had ever signed anything) went on a month to month basis. If you wanted to move out, you simply put an add in the paper and found a new tenant to replace you. If you wanted your deposit back you told the new tenant that they should pay the deposit to you, and when they eventually move out they can do the same. So no long entangling leases to worry about and the land lord doesn't really have do anything save check his balance from his money-market account where I deposited the various rent checks at the local credit union, that and he'd have his college kid occasionally cut us a check for expenses incurred trying to maintain the house. So every-one's happy. Well except for Erin, but she's OCD and an struggling Artist with a fine arts degree to boot. The promise of those first fruitful years after college had not been exactly kind to her, but then again no of us had had it exactly easy ourselves in that house. So, while I could relate to her bitterness at being stuck in a dead in barista job, I had little sympathy. She was younger than me after all, had more education, and had lived in more exciting places than I ever did. If you can't appreciate the advantages/blessing in your life as well as the set backs, then well, as far I was concerned, you'll never be happy. So why dwell on the bad, when you still have the have the time and capacity to do something about it???

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