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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Safari Celebration


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"Alright Kassie, just remember... we're aiming for 'sane' here. Can you do 'sane'?"


Kassie Kurazy adjusts the speaker next to her mouth, along with the tiny bird that rests on her head. A hippo yawns in the background, and she yawns along with it.


"Gaudie," growls Bob from the news control center. "Kassie isn't responding. Have the medics on reser-"


"Thank you, Bob." Kassie Kurazy speaks to noone in particular, unable to even hear Bob's voice through her head set. She spreads her arms out wide as the camera pans out for a fuller view, revealing a number of animals scurrying around her. "We bring you to the Pen's crowded Cabaret Room for a special news bulletin. Animals have inexplicably begun flooding the quarters, and have built a pyramid of bloody rabbit hides in honor of some unknown entity. This reporter will go directly to the crowds in the hopes of gaining more information."


Kassie turns to a mare passing by and shoves a microphone in its face.


"Sir, would you care to explain what is happening here today?"




"There you have it folks, straight from the horse's mouth."


Kassie begins skipping along through the crowds of animals. She passes by Mynx and Daryl (mascot of Were-Fox News), and pauses as an elephant sits on a Wyvern grazing for geld. She eventually comes across a peculiar bunny wearing a red cape, and aims a microphone at him.


"Sir, what do you think of this senseless slaughter of rabbits?"




"I see." Kassie jumps up and grins wildly. "A time of celebration for all except the rabbits. And I can assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that this reporter will join in the festivities."


Several alligators floating in a moat behind Kassie open their mouths and swallow the tiny birds that rest on their snouts. Kassie grabs the tiny bird off of her head and stuffs it into her mouth, feathers flying everywhere.


"Alright, cut!" cries Bob Suloberrin, waving his arms. "CUT!!!"




OOC: Happy Birthday, Canid.

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*Cerulean slips a couple of worried-looking small and fluffies into the pockets of her robes, before wishing Canid a spectacularly Happy Birthday.


Scarlett, attracted by the promise of a warm lunch, attaches a rabbit-hide bib to her chest and clacks out Happy Birthday on her teeth.*



Have a great day Canid! :)

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“Oi, Frank! Frank! Wake up you! Look at what’s happening down there!”


“ZZZgrbl...huh, what? What?”


“You stonebrain, look! Follow my left claw.” The gargoyle called Frank stretched his mind (for he couldn’t stretch his body) and looked where his stoney friend had pointed out. It seemed there were an enormous amount of animals at the foot of the building, and he lazily wondered what they were doing there.


“’s this all? You had to wake me up for this?” Frank’s face showed a bored grin, but then, it always did.


“Yeah, but look at all that movement Frank, doesn’t that make you wish we were back in the books of Mr. Pratchett, where we could move around.”


Frank decided to stretch his mind again, and suddenly felt his left claw move, “Erm…Willy? Did I just move?”


“Don’t be ridiculous Frank, we’re stone gargoyles, we don’t move.” Willy still looked at the crowd (since he really couldn’t look anywhere else).


“I’m sure I just mooooooooooooved-“ With a loud crack the gargoyle came lose from the building and started sliding down.


“Frank, where do you think you’re going mate? You can’t just leave without me, Frank?!”


Frank was rapidly sliding down the building, the air flew past his stone ears, and blew in his wide-open mouth. He tried to close his eyes before the impact (but couldn’t of course). With an enormous CRACK he landed on the street below, almost crashing on top of Canid. With one eye he could see that his right leg had come off, and was now lying several feet away from him. Bunnies were hopping all around him, “Just my luck,” He thought, “anybody’s got some supaglue?” He looked up at Canid with his other eye, “you can keep me, if you fix me, please?”


OOC: erm…a smashing birthday Canid :)

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Canid was in a good mood. The Pen was full of life in various states of terror and exuberance; Prospero was leading the former by heading the latter with a mad attack on the rabbit-skin pyramid and much that surrounded it.

She had had a brief run-in with Mr. Bunny during which she was pelted with carrots & promised to reincarnate the majority of the slaughtered bunnies (and in truth, this pleased her as much as the famed rabbit).


The fur in Canid's ear twitched in warning and she skittered to the side just enough to avoid being hit by a large gargoyle, whose every gruesome detail was obviously carved with love. She looked at the damaged beast with an expression of anguish. Gargoyles were a passion of hers.

“Anybody’s got some supaglue?”

Had its mouth moved? Canid wasn't quite sure. There was the sudden impression that the thing was looking at her

“You can keep me, if you fix me, please?”

Canid licked her lips. She sniffed the rock-beast. She glanced back and forth between the beautiful grotesque and the roof from which it fell. There didn't seem to be anyone up there... it had just, fallen.

A slow grin spread across her furry muzzle.

It was a grin that managed to unnerve the gargoyle.

"Certainly I can fix you." she said, and set about gathering the pieces.



:wolf:Thank-you very much for the birthday thread. I enjoyed reading it, just had no time to post on the day. I did have a very good day... and for the record, I LOVE gargoyles. :wolf:

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