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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Love Poems


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Her hand in mine,

Fingers entwined


I'm squeezing too tight

and I know it.


She smiles at me

And I loosen my grip,

We rearrange hands

To another perfect fit.


Its so new

Every second is new

Every feeling the first.




Her eyes, / They're so beautiful / as they gaze into mine. /

They see past my weakness; / Past my outwardly flaws

They see me. / Those are the first set of eyes. / The first set of eyes that see me.





a kiss is an odd thing

it starts in the eyes

you gaze down into her eyes


through them


the only way to stop yourself from drowning in those eyes

is to close yours

and at that moment some force pulls you

Eros pushes your lips to hers


they are soft


softer then anything you have ever felt

you want to stay there forever

breathing life into each other


something pulls you apart

and it ends where it started


in the eyes

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i always like reading what you bring, Mira, but these especially touched my heart.

the first, especially, made me smile. sometimes he clings, sometimes i do, but yes - it's always a perfect fit. well said. =)

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They were watching a movie

But we didn't feel like joining

So we headed outside

Into the cool night air


The grass still tried to hold on

To the warmth of the day I noticed

As we lay down upon it

To stare at the stars


Other then the hushed whisperings

Of the wind that rushed through

The bare lonely branches of trees

The world was silent


It was not a awkward silence though

It was knowing and peaceful

So we held on to each other

And tried to stop the world

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I thought you did a pretty good job describing the scene, making it feel to me like it was a memory of my own--maybe it was. :)



"The grass still tried to hold on/To the warmth of the day I noticed"--I would suggest using a unique personification here, it could convey the same thing, but much more powerfully.


I did, however, like the simple nature of the first stanza, starting the tone fairly lightly.


I also liked your third stanza, particularly "bare lonely branches."


And "tried to stop the world" is a nice way of ending your poem.

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