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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Hi all,


Have been bouncing all over the south-east the past weeks and half... driving lots from GA to NC to MD and now back to NC...(school stuff) am also coming down with strep(sp?) throat... My roomate and co-workers got it in Maryland the day or so I came back from North Carolina... I thought I had avoided it... but darn the luck my counsin comes down with it the day I arrive back in NC... So now i got it... sore throat, aches, and everything... ick... plus, i still have drive 7 hours to get back home tomorrow...


So many apologies to everyone that I might owe writings too... I'll get caught back up in a few days or so...


take care,



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Aye, what ^^ Gryphon said.


Say, a ranger dropped by today with a jug of some liquid stuff, claiming it had magical powers ... want to see if it'll heal you? :P

Seriously, though - get well soon!

I was wondering where that jar of radioactive isotopes went off to! Instead, might I offer a shot of anti-viral nano-mechs that seek out individual infested cells and altered proteins that may hide virus strains? Or will chicken soup do?




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