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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Happy Birthday tacklehugs!


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a birthday cake with 20 candles appears on the table amid faint strains of the Happy Birthday song, while Ayshela hovers awaiting the appearance of Tralla - tacklehugs at the ready and best birthday wishes standing by.


Happy Birthday! hope it's splendiferous for you!

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A cloaked mage walks into the room dragging a bag and trying to read a map. A large pink dragon follows at his heels.


"Ok. So I turn left at the oak...but there are only maples around here. Sparhawk needs to learn how to make maps. Oh...I'm here."



Happy Birthday Tralla from what is left of Seventh Gate. I hope everything is going good for you. The Gate is kind of dead (Zif has left the game it seems) but most of us are still around in God Mode. DK is the leader; luckly he's less drunk than normal. Drop by if you have the time (http://iddqd.4.forumer.com/index.php) (#godmode).


But for now it's all about you. I've got my trust sack to give you whatever you want and I even brought Tootsie by to say hi and...Tootsie? No! Stay away from the cake!!


*Corp rushes to stop the dragon from licking the icing*



have a great one :D

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*Ducks behind the too-attentively-waiting Ayshela and hugs Corp a long-lost hello. Making a shushing sign with one finger, she turns, creeps carefully up behind the still-waiting Ayshela, leans over her shoulder, and blows out 19 candles on the cake in one rush of exhalation.*


hehe. ;)


Thanks everybody! =)

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Ash comes running in


Damn Corp, how did you read that map, i had to go back to Sparhawk and ask him for directions instead of tracking you.


Now, back to the reason why im here..


BAD TOOTSIE!... No wait that wasnt it...



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hearing the creeping behind her, Ayshela stands ever still and ready, merry gleam in her eye betraying her anticipation. As Tralla leans back from blowing out the candles, Ayshela whirls and tacklehugs her, hitting the ground in a gentle thump.


umm, by the way, did i mention yet - Happy Birthday? ;)

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Dodging all tacklehugs and general mischief and nodding greetings to a couple of unrecognized faces, Yui rushes toward the birthday girl with a harried look and an apologetic smile. "Oh, I can't believe I missed it! Happy belated birthday, Tralla. I hope you enjoyed your day." :)



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