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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Beverage Booths and Dr. Spock Speak


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Wyvern speedily dashes into the Cabaret Room and immediatly goes about setting up a large refreshment stand, loading it with numerous varieties of alcoholic beverages: Bruteweiser, Bruteweisnhyper (containing pixie stick sugar), Bruteweiser Code Pink (induces visions of pink elephants), Bud BRUighTE (comes with free flashlight batteries), BrUteD Nice (infused with pen spirits), Wineakin (Bruteweiser that tastes like wine), and Flaming Brutes (the catastrophe of any good party). The overgrown lizard then tops the stand off with a little ribbon and a card, on which he scrawls: "Happy Birthday Brute!"


Having completed this, the reptilian Elder turns towards Thinas and pauses, quietly hissing as he hands the dark elf a sloppily giftwrapped book from his coat. Examining the present curiously, Thinas graciously accepts the package and carefully opens it, ever-attentative of any Almost Dragonic Brand booby traps that may be planted inside of it. The dark elf raises a brow as he opens the giftwrap without any visible difficulties, and slowly reads over the title of the tome:


"The Valdar Guide to Earspeak... Almost Dragonic Brand Bootleg Addition?"


"That'ssss right." hisses Wyvern gleefully, nudging the dark elf with his scaly shoulder and grinning. "It's just like the original Valdar Guide to Earspeak... the only difference is that the cute, elven girls with long ears demonstrating earspeak techniques in the original have been replaced by bald, middle-aged human men wearing Dr. Spock ears. Hope you enjoy it, Happy Birthday!"


With that, the overgrown lizard dashes off, leaving Thinas staring blankly at the man wearing Dr. Spock ears depicted on the cover...




OOC: Happy Birthday, Brute and Thinas! :)

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Happy Birthday,


and in case you do drink, another irish proverb, similar to the last, but.......



"May the road rise up to meet you,

and the sun always be at your back."





and a farourite of mine, form where i dont know......


"age hath no hold

on the heart that remains young."



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Yui spends the first half of the evening making sure that Thinas joins Brute in partaking of the alcohol and the second half of the evening biting her lip to keep from laughing after she's convinced him to try a few of the expressions in the earspeak book. Needless to say, the darkelf's dignity might have suffered greatly if she weren't one of the only people left in the room who was sober enough to remember the entire episode.


By the end of the night, she's given up on getting anyone to their beds and just settles for reading a book on the Cabaret Room floor while Thinas, Brute, Wyvern and many others loll about, snoring drunkenly.




Many happy returns to you both. I hope your birthdays have been memorable and wonderful.


Much love,


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