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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Happy Birthdays!


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Ayshela struggles briefly with the birthday room door, trying to get it opened without dropping either of the cakes she's holding. As the door swings open she sighs in relief and steps carefully into the warm sunny day. Making her way across the lawn to the cluster of tables and chairs, she sets the cake with 22 candles at the table with gifts and cards for Lone Shadow, and the cake with 18 candles at the next table, with gifts and cards for Andrea Hawk.


Turning to get the rest of the party paraphernalia, she whispers "Happy Birthday to you both, may your day be lovely and the new year wonderful." As she bustles on her way, her good wishes linger in the air awaiting the arrival of the birthday celebrants.

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oh.. day by day by day it doesn't..

it kind of sneaks up when you realize other people's *kids* are doing things you clearly remember doing and don't *feel* all that much beyond yourself.. LOL


Like, there is NO WAY i'm old enough to have a kid going to Prom.. and yet, there it is anyway. :lol:


i never did get the point of that whole "do you feel older" question, though, and tended to answer it very simply - "yes, one day older than i was yesterday." *g*

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or small children with life or death crises, or teenagers, or..



it's all a part of the deal.

earned my first grey hair at age 30, actually..


Well, on the bright side....

There's always hair dye. (Ask my mom about that ;)) (And might I recommend 'burgundy'..or what I like to call purple. It looks cool.)

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*giggles* just did my fifteen year old's in burgundy.. personally, if i were to dye my hair any colour other than its normal shade, i'd lighten it a bit to ash blonde and do red tips.

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