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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Ooooh neato!


For those who don't know, El Shaddai is from the Hebrew.


EL is essentially the Almighty althought the word is never used that way. EL is Elohim (the Creator) in all His strength and power. It is rendered "God" as is Elohim, but EL is God the Omnipotent, to contrast with Elohim (as God the Creator), putting His omnipotence into operation. EL is the God Who knows all (first occurance Gen. 14:18-22) and sees all (Gen. 16:13) and that performs all things for His people (Psalms 57:2), and in Whom all the Divine attributes are concentrated. It is often used in proper names such as Immanuel, Bethel, etc.


SHADDAI is in every instance translated "Almighty". It is God (EL), not as the source of strenght, but of grace; not as Creator, but as the Giver. Shaddai is the All-bountiful. This title doesn't refer to His creative power, but to His power to supply all the needs of His people. First occurance is in Gen. 17:1, and is used to show Abraham the He could supply all his need. It is the title used in 2Cor6:18, where we're called to "come out" in separation from the world.


Shaddai is ALWAYS used in connection with EL.


-A 2Tim2:15 sorta Peredhil

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very nicely done!

the only line i have question about is this:

All that was truth I see lie.

Rhythmically it fits, but i find myself looking for an extra word to make clear which of the possible meanings you actually *mean*. :)
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Well for example,


All that I heard is now deaf.

All that I saw is now blind,


What I 'heard' was never the truth, because it truth was not in it's capacity to detect, comprehend or understand. And all that I saw as truth never had any real ability to judge the truth as real Truth was notin it's capacity to detect, comprehend or understand.



All that was truth I see lie.


Of all that I knew as being 'truth', nothing was true at all in reality. I see it as lie because it wasn't truth, using opposites. Maybe it should have been:


All that was truth I see lies.


Maybe I'll use that now instead.... THANKS for the feedback!! :D

Edited by Elvina
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