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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Week after week


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Hopefully better than my last (weird) one....

this was written in school, in a french class. (Dont ask! :P )





Mindlessly I sit here,

Day after day,

Entertaining thoughts of suicide,

And running away.


Lifelessly I sit here,

Week after week,

With my façade up,

Thinking of the long sleep.


Helplessly I live here

In a society of pain

Looking straight ahead

Trying to reclaim my brain


Aimlessly I sit here

Smiling; all is fine

Striving to stay alone;

Pretending my life is mine


Hopelessly I see here

A future that is bleak

After I am done sitting

In school, week after week.



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*smiles* i understand about you writting it in french i think its boring i like french but well i mean its school wat isnt boring! *hugs* u write alot on suicide! *hugs agian* It makes me sad to see others in the depression possition as i was and still am i know how it feels and i wish other people couldnt feel it cos its just...horrible! *hugs* Love the poem and the rhythem i cant spell today dont mind me! :D

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It's well written. The "I" within the piece of works seems severely depressed as if his/her's life is spinning out of control and nothing can be done to save it. Suicidal ideation is never a good thing. If the "I" is the author, I hope you're okay. Poems like this worry me.




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I like the effect it gives when the title is repeated at the end. It works well here.


With apologies to Billy Joel: The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow's not as bad as it seems. I should make that my sig or something.


I hated highschool with every ounce of my being, but things picked once I got clear of that bloody mess.


I'm really bad at encouragement... especially when it's only over a message board... Thought I'd give it a go anyway... It's not working too well... I hope things start looking up for you though.


And to answer Arwen's question: Biology.

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It saddens me when I look at the creative, intelligent, good people who come here and post suicidal poetry. It saddens me because I lament they have reason to post it.


but I'm very glad to be part of a place that a poem like this can be posted, and the person understood and not judged, where people don't run shrieking away in horror at the very idea of suicide, but instead do whatever they can to help.


Hugs Dark Pain Inside


You have talent, and I encourage you to keep using it, no matter what subject matter. I hope you'll find healing and joy, so that you post rainbows instead of storms. :)



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