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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Seeking inspiration

Searching high and searching low

Finding exaserbation

Running out of new ways to go

Trying to be creative

If I could just unlock the door

Everything's repetitive

It's usless, what am I trying for?

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You should write.


Spelling, grammar, things like that can be taught or done by a computer. You have an inner vision, a way of looking at life with your heart and soul, and then expressing what you See that will never be duplicated by anyone or anything.


Find your voice, and worry about spelling later - Alaeha was just offering a "nuts-n-bolts" spelling tip as an attempt to help.


Oh - and I've felt like your poem, although I didn't say it so well.

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Ah, you guys are too much. :) Thanks for the constant support and concern. I would rather have someone critique me or correct my spelling, than write nothing at all Alaeha.


And Ayshela, I too looked up the meaning and found it to be close to fustrating, so I used it! Hehehe, although I knew it was not quite the right word...I didn't want to labor over it...


Peredhil, Ah shucks, you are always so kind. Thank you. You guys are my inspiration....Re: "nuts and bolts" I'd much rather drive a car that you all constructed than one I threw together... :D

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