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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Quill Upon Page of the Bearer of Pen


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Author's note: this was inspired by several philosophical texts I've been reading in my Critical Writing class, including those of Saussure, Marx, and Lacan, as well as a number of recent Pen threads. Despite the formulaic way in which it is written, it is not meant to be serious... Hopefully, some folks will get the humor... ;p


Quill Upon Page of the Bearer of Pen

or Reality in terms of 'Initiate and up'


The common notion of the introspection in which those of Initiate and higher view Pen regulatory standards have often been touched upon by subtle means of discussion, yet never given the clarity that such a predominant and important subject should deserve. Indeed, the common outlook of the Initiate has played a crucial role in establishing not only the character and general base of the community, but also the very reality on which the community is founded on. The views of those wishing to establish themselves as a part of the guild system have given birth to the system itself, thus commencing an endless cycle of emotion and conflict that breeds the very writing which we read here today. Several important factors fuel the transformation of outlook towards the community, the suppressed desires and urges leading to the longing for emotional conflict being touched upon by numerous concise evaluations and equations:


1) On Quills


As members progress on the promotional scale, the presence of the Quill and it's importance gradually becomes embedded in the member's subconscious mind. More than a writing utensil, the Quill is vastly symbolic, representing the angelic and alluding to a utopian state of mind ideal for creativity. This imbues the member with a sense of purpose, a certain longing to achieve an idealized mental state presented by a false reality. The vision spans across the entire membership spectrum, thus embedding itself alongside the communities social morale and standards of dictation. The "Quest" associated with the Quill further instigates it's sense of importance, even alluding to a certain illusion of task-driven superiority that causes it to become an unreachable summit of performance to Honored Guest and Elder alike.


2) Moderator Matrices


With the editting of channels comes the editting of one's own system of beliefs, alterations in mind states that evolve from one's specified personal standards. The influx of moderation commences the process of change, spiritual and emotional, and inner conflict is born. Let us examine the following equation:


Square Root of Herald = Page


In regard to the system of ranks, this implication states that the multiplicity of Pages and their views in fact spawns the Herald's own will and decisions. Indeed, moderation is ultimately led by the Page, the lower class of the hierarchical political system presented. To unify moderation, the surging of class conflict emerges, and thus inner conflict, the spark of creativity, becomes freely expressed. This cycle then breaks down and continues, oscillating every second promotional schedule.


3) Abbreviations in IRC, the Meaning of


With the mingling of class comes the mingling of dialect, a universal transcendent tongue that spans and encomposses all writing present. At an early stage, the common member is unable to seperate itself from the words it expresses, completely unified as one with the Page, and with the Initiate as well. It is only when one comes to gradual understanding of the meaning of comments that he slowly understands his own individual presence. Alone, "lol", "omg", "wb" are cluttered nonsense... together, they form "wombggl", a semi-expressed exclamation of sorts. Yet individuals can experience difficulties in the process of adaptation, which often lead to a vacuum of comments that even the writer himself cannot surmount.


Individual Reality Complex is not to be confused with Internet Relay Chat.


4) Master, of Lore


The presence and attraction to the "Lore" master can be found within the roots of it's very structure, the word "Lore" originating from the french "l'or", meaning "gold." The association of the title can often lead to the developements of fetishes and the chasing of the material, which represents the ephemeral. This provides an explanation for the transparency associated with the title, and the ultimate meaningless nature of it's existance. For more on geld fetishism, see "Wyvern."


5) Conclusion




Creativity is key. ;p

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