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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Add me add me... Darn, I cant believe I wasn't first in line to sign up for a Star Wars game.
  2. The whispers about Brother Caire continue as a constant reminder of his sin. Guilt at speaking out against Brother Gulzar without evidence to support his words weigh heavily on his mind. Doubly so since Brother Gulzar had been asked to leave the abbey. When a few casual words exchanged with Brother Rhys receive a muttered reply and a black look of suspicion sorrow settles onto Brother Caire like a blanket. "Brother, I see your black looks and feel the touch of your ill regard against me. But I assure you it is unfounded. I felt as badly as any other in this Abbey about Brother Gulzar's departure, more so in fact than a few because I fear it was my words that caused his sudden departure." A shadow seems to drift over Brother Caire's face and when he continues the sadness in his voice was unmistakable. "I only wish that I'd had a chance to converse with him further, for did we but know it I could have helped him. I too, with my Brother Dominicans, am charged to seek out the devil and herecy and protect our brothers against it at all times." Brother Caire's voice seems to gain in a strength born of faith as he continues. "Despite your ill regard I will continue to do whatever I can to stop the darkness in this Abbey... Strange though, that Brother Igottafiln didn't step forward at any stage. He is after all a monk of the Inquisition... Perhaps his silence is evidence of something... darker." ~~~ OOC: I accuse Brother Igottafiln - Eyremon.
  3. Quincunx: The serial killer theme might work, if you had them all locked up so that they couldn't kill one another. Lynchings / kills were done by bribing guards to leave a door unlocked, or a restraint off or some such thing. You'd need to work out the logistics of how to run the game. I'm not so sure that 'find the innocent' would work since the innocent would probably be the first to die unless you had someone who talked tough / looked tough who was pretending to be a killer but who really wasn't.
  4. I've this image in my mind of everyone sitting together looking at one another with embarrassed little glances as an uncomfortable silence stretches out towards eternity.
  5. The guilt of his accusation of Brother Gulzar and his subsequent departure from the Abbey laying heavily on Brother Caire's soul the next day finds him spending many hours in the chapel. Late afternoon he emerges looking somewhat less haunted, having obviously found some solistice in prayer, knowing that at least now Brother Gulzar's life is safe and sure that the new Abbey will welcome such a skilled gardener. Brother Caire goes directly from the chapel to the scriptorium where he finds Brother Rhys hard at work. Nodding a greeting Brother Caire approaches a librarian and asks for the work he was copying to be brought to him.
  6. Brother Caire looks haggard the next morning having been up all night praying for forgiveness well beyond the hours designated for prayer. On his way to the chapel to seek further absolution he stops to see Brother Mathieu. "Forgive me brother for I fear that I am guilty in part for your mentor Brother Gulzar being sent from this Abbey. I just..." Brother Caire's words stumble to a holt under the gaze of Brother Mathieu... After a moment he continues wearyness colouring his voice and indeed his entire being. "I never ment for this to happen. Forgive me. Please."
  7. My post was certainly all character background. I had to come up with some kind of an explanation of who I was for myself otherwise I'd not have known who I was playing in game... Like I said right back at the start, I'm really not used to playing priestly characters no matter what religion.
  8. Gwai, yes, it was. Crash your cab. Visit a priest. Win a competition. Meet a famous radio star. Save the universe. Or watch the movie.
  9. Mynx's one is Misery by Stephen King. ~~~ I'll be interested to see if anyone gets this one: Fail the exams for your chosen career. Swear to become the best at... something. Meet someone from a prestigious guild. Take his sonic damaged remains home. Rise to prominence in his profession. Or read the book. Edit: Corrected the wording to fit better.
  10. Mynx's one Has to be... Halloween. Live to the rhythm. Be king of the world. Be plotted against. Find help in the most unlikely place. Turn out better for it. Or watch the movie.
  11. Ah crap... I just wanted to avoid being lynched. Edit: elaboration and appologies for language used.
  12. Become a famous lawyer. Move to the city. Watch your life go to Hell. Change your path at the start. Risk a repeat. Or watch the movie.
  13. "Well, replies Mathieu, if you can justify reasonably your behavior, perhaps we'll reconsider our suspicions." Brother Caire nods, "What you ask is fair enough, perhaps if I tell you a little about my own order and my place in it... The Dominican order is at it's very heart dedicated to protecting Gods children from herecy. My Brothers are often called upon by the church to act as her inquisitors, often do they get asked to seek out those who are accused of being heretics. Their task being to obtain a confession from them or names of anyone thought to be guilty." Brother Caire closes his eyes for a moment, shadows of expression flicker across his face as he remembershis friends back in his home Abbey. Opening his eyes he continues... "I don't confront heretics as directly as some of my brothers do. Instead I travel as you see me, a scholar, seeking knowledge to help my brothers better do their work. " "Before now I had never personally encountered the work of the devil in the land. I fear I had discounted some of my Brothers tales. Of late I find that I should have listened closer for they might have told me ways to identify evil that would help us all here... I only hope that God and you will forgive my inattention and that it does not cost us all too much." Brother Caire meets the gaze of the two gardners. "This poison that spreads amongst the monks here does none of us any good, I fear that it just opens a door for the evil that is waiting without to take us all.... I fear that I myself am not immune, I suspected one of our Brothers - Philips Hue. I have wronged him... yet you Brother Gulzar have been the source of no few suspicions about our Brothers yourself. Are you any less guilty than I am?" ~~~ OOC: Change my vote to Brother Gulzar. I didn't want to play finger pointing games, but I did feel bad about my last vote considering there was no motive other than a MIA
  14. no reason to... it's all part of the game. I was just trying to get things running again, I guess that's one way to do it. If I get motivated later I might try and produce some kind of dialogue explaining what Dominican Friar's stand for to Brother Gulzar... if I can fit it in without it sounding like I've just thrown it in for no real reason. I had this elaborate back story which turned out to be largely irrelivant. sigh
  15. ... reads the game thread... and notices the big target recently painted on his character I think I just figured out why no-one has dared post an accusation for whatever reason. For the record my character doesn't want to be like a Dominican Friar... he is one.
  16. The wards on Gryphons door crackle with static and the smell of ozone permeates the area outside his rooms... Inside power distilled, pure and perfect earths it's self at the direction of the feathered mage feeding it's energy into a web of spellwork that is suspended in the air above his worktable. Grinning with joy at the feeling of such perfect magical work coming together Gryphon lets the power flow through him and into the web which had taken several days to cast. His mind now free in part to wander since the spells are in motion Gryphon glances at the gemstone received from Epinephrine and he holds the image of his friend in his mind and heart as the last of the power feeds into the web and the magic starts to take hold. Slowly the work of beauty coalesces into a pearlescent ball of light which then begins to glow with muted colours. Shifting to a form better suited to writing Gryphon takes up a piece of parchment and a quill and writes: True Friend and brother in spirit Epinephrine, I cannot thank you enough for your outstanding February 10th gift to me. It is the least I can do to send you this small token of my thanks in return. I am as you know no scholar of Greek, but my research indicated that Philos was appropriate. The item inside the box I have sent you is a reminder of how much I, and indeed all your friends, care for you. This orb has been created by magic and has been keyed to you specially. You will notice it glowing. This glow indicates that your friends are thinking of you, the colour and intensity indicate the strength of their regard. When you are directly in their thoughts if you pick it up a connection will be forged by which you can communicate with those who miss you. There is another function however which will in time make it's self useful I hope. When the time comes for your journey back to us this orb will light your way home and see to the safety of your return to us. I trust it serves you well. Your friend, your brother, Gryphon Gryphon places the orb of magic and the parchment in a box of polished silver on top of which the word PHILOS flickers gently in and out of sight as the light passes over it. Thus done he seals the box and sends it on it's way.
  17. Gryphon comes creeping back out of indecent obscurity... Hey... I know that one! Yay, suddenly I feel much better. Gryphon rushes off to PM the answer to Akallabeth so as not to spoil it for anyone else (I'd post it here but I don't have a new description to replace it with.)
  18. Brother Caire copies documents with care, being sure to record every little bit of information exactly as it is laid out on the page. You never know when something that you thought was insignificant might turn out to be hugely important... While working Brother Caire remains focussed, however once he stops his mind, ever busy goes back to the mystery at hand in the Abbey. Thinking back over the last day or two Brother Caire realises that he's not seen or heard much of anything from Brother Philips Hue since Brother Adrian escaped from his cell below the smithy. Possibly it meant nothing, after all I did hear that Brother Thibault claimed that he and Brother Philips Hue were to be the next victims. Had it been my name mentioned I'd go into hiding also... But what if it's not a co-incidence? ~~~ OOC: I accuse Brother Philips Hue because he seems to have gone MIA at a very tense time in the game... and because Tanny told us that if we don't accuse someone then we all lose.
  19. wails! I cant get any of them! Not even the ones I know (when the answers are posted) like Princess Bride. Gryphon goes to hide in shame
  20. Watches a tumbleweed blow by accompanied by the famous ooo-eee-ooo-eee-oooo - wah wah wah Gee... it sure is quiet around here. So, uh, let me get this right, you want monks, to accuse other monks, without evidence or reason? That's so out of character man! Plus I'm tired - brain not working too good... gotta go back thru the posts to try find a reason to post IC.
  21. Brother Caire walks the abbey pathways in silence lost in contemplation or maybe prayer. The path hasn't been swept today and his mind flickers to Novice Felipe, being punished for... for... something? Maybe. Poor lad. Surely the job will be assigned to another, though with the chaos in the Abbey, who can say. A quiet noise intrudes on Brother Caire's contemplation and he notices Brother Rhys also in the garden lost in thought or prayer and he's about to approach for converse when Brother Rhys drops to his knees. Brother Caire hesitates, not wanting to intrude on a Brother taking solice in prayer. Instead Brother Caire's feet trace their way to the scriptorium where he awaits the librarians to bring him the material he was asked to copy for his Dominican Brothers.
  22. ... Gryphon watches a nearby glacier outpace Cryptomancer's latest WW posting speed Sorry. I know you're busy but I couldn't resist.
  23. Sorry Tanny... weekends so very very very much to do, and it always seems so little time to do it in.
  24. Speaking of late posting or no posting, I myself might be guilty of that over the weekend. It's easy for me to get access to a PC at work, but over the weekend RL tends to intrude a bit (or sometimes a lot).
  25. Brother Caire loses himself in his work and contemplation for the rest of that day, most of which passes un-noticed. Some of his time is given up to looking to the Lord for guidance, some is dedicated to praying for the state of his own soul, for try as he might he cannot rid himself of his earlier suspicions. He resolves to beg forgiveness and absolution for this too in confession for he cannot shake the feeling that there is more to Brother Philips Hue than what there appears to be. So much opportunity for him to do wrong, great physical strength, Brother Adrian escaping from his cell... yet, so little actual proof. Brother Caire wished for the moment that he was better able at uncovering herecy like some more experienced of the Dominican Monks... instead he turned to that which offered so much peace in the past - prayer. "Forgive me Lord, for I fear I have sinned by harbouring suspicions against Brother Philip Hue..." yet... "I beg of thee my Lord, strengthen my soul against the devil, lest he take me, lest he take us all." ~~~ OOC: I still accuse Brother Philips Hue.
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