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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gnarlitch

  1. Itchy sits in a corner with his arms wrapped around his knees and stares off into space...he's totally wacked out on drugs after the incident with Aic yesterday afternoon. No one seems willing to go near him, even though they have him shackeld hand and foot to the wall. He doen't care...at this point in time, with all of these drugs in his system, he doesn't even see or feel anything. Somewhere, deep inside the darkest recesses of his mind, he knows that this is for the best. He had actually hurt some of those cops, and then he had actually killed Aic. He was an animal that deserved to be locked away in a cage until it could be "put to sleep." He just hoped he also wasn't responsible for all those other violently bloody deaths as well....PLEASE GOD! LET IT END! OOC: I hope this post makes sense, as I am a bit drugged out myself at the moment. I had stupid hernia surgery this morning and am still a bit loopy.
  2. hey, uh, Dragonqueen, it's night phase...so nyah nyah, can't accuse me right now!
  3. Itchy comes to his senses after he is all alone and is shocked by his actions....so shocked in fact that he begins to search for some sort of drugs to OD on to make it all go away.....
  4. From down the hall in the direction of Itchy's padded room a scream is heard... MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE...I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE! NO MORE SINGING! OOC: Accuse Vahktang/Aic...cause I gots a headache and that damn singing is making it worse!
  5. "ZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsnortzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzZZ" Itchy snores loudly and blissfully unaware of the most recent death in the hospital, feeling all nice and comfy cozy in his padded cell....or maybe that was just the effects of the heavy sedatives. Whatever the reason, he was clueless, and happily so, as he dreamed of beautiful green pigs dancing around in violently irridescent purple tutu's to the sounds of Ozzy Ozbourne and Alice Cooper singing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Weird Al Yankovich was even there playing his accordion while tapdancing on the cieling! Meanwhile the cows had come home but the azure goats had flown the coop with the orange hippos. My what a lovely dream! :wizzie: :wigglycabbage:
  6. A short smelly dwarf wearing fine plate mail and carrying a wide assortment of weapons walk up and studies the trio for a moment. Then, he drops a large red gem stone in the jar. HE then pulls a bananna and mint crem pie out of his pouch and smashes it in Ayeshela's face. He then reaches out and grabs the painting and inserts his tongue into its ear so far the tip comes out the other side. Done there he then steps up to Salinye and kisses her full on the lips, for a very, VERY long time. When he finally walks away grinning broadly, Salinye is looking somewaht peaked and out of breath.
  7. OOC: I realized that I should probably add that no one died in my earlier post. One officer has torn ligamnts in his left knee, possible broken ribs, and a broken jaw and missing teeth, as well as swollen, possibly ruptured, gonads. His knee should be repairable as Itchy wouldn't be wearing boots or heavy shoes. The other officer was luckier in that his neck is probably only sprained and he'll have a sore throat for a week or so, and a broken nose. Charlie is the unlucky one, and the only one in danger of death. He recieved a heavy beating with fists instead of more "controlled" attacks, which means that he will have numerous fractures about the face and head, missing teeth, and possible broken ribs, depending on where he was hit. The true danger to him is severe concussion and/or possible brain damage and will need some extreme reconstructive surgery. Also of note, it's been fifteen years since I was actually in a fight, other than martial arts tournaments or other training. I have never in my life intentionally hurt (physically) another human being, although I have been tempted a time or two. Also, for good reason, I don't even own a gun. Any questions?
  8. WARNING: Violent content If such bothers you, skip this post. Author's note: I apologize in advance to anyone who feels that this post is inappropriate. However, I did say that I was playing myself this game. Itchy stops struggling as soon as Woof is shot, too stunned to react for a moment. The officers use his inaction to hustle him out of the room. Just as they are stuffing him into a room for the interogation he responds as if a man possessed. He stomps on the side of the knee of the officer on his right while at the same time jerking his arms free and elbowing the one on his left in the nose, followed by a spinning knee to the groin. He then uses a "guillotine" maneuver, wrapping his arm around the back of the officer's head so that the back of his head is tucken into Itchy's armpit. Then he puts his forearm across the bottom of the officers jaw, jerking up and in rather forcefully and rendering the officer unconscious. As the one with the damged knee is starting to respond, Itchy uses a back kick to stop his forward motion, releases the other officer, and then spins and drops the second officer with a backfist just under the ear. As other officers move to respond, Itchy darts out and latches on to Charlie, screaming, "YOU SHOT HIM! You shot my dog! He didn't deserve to die. Why did you shoot him?AAARRRRRGH!" Itchy head butts him, breaking his nose, and knees him in the crotch. He then throws Charlie to the ground, jumping on top of him and sits astride his chest while pounding him into a bloody pulp with his fists. Then ZZZ-ZZZ-Z-ZZZZTT! And Itchy falls over unconscious to reveal Amy standing behind him holding a Tazer gun. The orderlies jump in and quickly strap Itchy into a straight jacket and then strap him into a chair in the interrogation room. A nurse appears with a large syringe that she jabs into his neck and then presses the plunger. "There, that should keep him calm for a bit. It should also make him easier to question once he regains consciousness from the shock." Boy, was she wrong! By morning, all the officers have gotten out of Itchy are growls and a foamy drool that he spits at them when least suspected. The doctor that comes in in the morning and hears the tale recommends a padded isolation cell for Itchy as well as a routine of shock therapy treatment....
  9. Itchy offers Woof a "Scooby Snack" to go lie down...
  10. Itchy pulls the newspaper away from Woof, practically tearing it to shreds, and then baps Woof on the nose with the tattered remenants...
  11. Itchy sees Woof's actions..."You think so boy? Okay." OOC: Vote for Napoleon/Dean here EDIT: er, wait a sec. Last game I swore never to trust Nave again, and, so what do I do first vote of the next game? I follow his lead. I THINK NOT! Itchy picks up a rolled up newspaper from on top of the table and smacks it against his hand loudly and gestures at Woof with it. "BAD DOG! You know not to growl at strangers or pee on the carpet! BAD DOG!" OOC: changing vote to Nave instead of Dean. BadDeanBad!
  12. Itchy's hand flashes out, catching the cockroach before it can disappear under the furniture. He holds it up and looks at it briefly, before biting off its upper half. He crunches on it a bit, swallows, and thne smacks his lips. "Mmmm! Crunchy! Anyone else want the other half? Rena? Jamz? No? Ok." Crunch crunch. "Slimy yet satisfying. Sooo, when's lunch?" *burp*
  13. Itchy listens to the nurse speak this lame and pathetic platitude to the other nurse and wonders...Has she been taking all the "good" meds herself?
  14. Itchy notices Jammeez "stealing" his dog and runs over. "HEY! That's MY dog! You leave him alone!" Jammeez just grins wickedly and asks, "Watcha gonna do about it?" Itchy responds by summoning "Lieutanant" Eyremon..."Lieutenant! Arrest this woman for lewd and shrewish behaviour and FOR TRYING TO LURE MY DOG AWAY SO SHE CAN DO SOMETHING MEAN TO HIM! General Napoleon! Rally the troops! This means war!" :woot:
  15. for clarification, this was inside a large stadium-like area, about double the legnth and width of your standard soccer or football arena. Oddly enough, however, the staduim was underground, but had an extremely high ceiling for the dragon to be able to take flight. The monsters themselves are hidden from the fighter's view by a magical force field until the fighter crosses an unseen line. The audience, however, can actually see all of the monsters from the beginning, and hence, will hold their breath when the fighter is about to step into the territory of something particularly nasty.
  16. Itchy pats the dog-man on the head and then picks up a ball off a near by shelf. "Wanna play fetch, boy? Huh? Ya wanna" "Woof, WOOF!" "Okay, boy, go get it!" He throws the ball right into the middle of the "card game," just to see how the "players" will react....
  17. Itchy looks around himself at the other patients and wonders how the hell he ended up here. Well, if you can't beat em, join em! Itchy snags the full mop bucket from a passing janitor and runs and dumps it all over John, unconscious on the floor. "Wake up airman! Come on! We rescued you from the mediterranean sea where your plane went down, but we need you to fly our new ZX-71! The rabid Venutians are attacking and we need you to defend us! You're the only one who can do it! When John wakes up Itchy gets him to sit in the empty mop bucket and then arms him with the still-dripping mop. He then gives him a hard shove, sending him flying across the room to intercept the orderlies about to attack the "nurse," but instead misses and makes him caroom into Rena instead! :woot:
  18. Itchy sits in the corner, giggling to himself and drooling uncontrollably like niagra falls in semi-human form.... :woot:
  19. I am sooo in on this one. Heck, I don't even have to RP to fit in, I CAN JUST BE ME!!! My psychiatrist might not like that idea though....
  20. well played, Nave. You had me going. I hereby vow to never trust Nave again.
  21. The scene opens upon what appears to be a gladiatorial arena. The stands are mostly filled with exuberant fans, screaming and shouting and stomping their fee until a person could scarce hear their own thoughts. At one end of the arena some doors open and in steps a dwarf wearing heavy plate armor and carrying a shield. An announcers voice booms out over the cacophony that fills the arena, announcing that this dwarf will be fighting is a bout called a Monster Mash with five separate encounters, all to the death. If he survives he will win15,000 gold pieces. The crowd gets even more excited, although you would have doubted that that would have been possible before actually witnessing the phenomenon. Most think that the dwarf is insane and is headed for a violent and messy death. Little does the dwarf know that his own boon companions in the audience are also unsure that he will survive. And they are worried, because much more than the dwarf’s life is resting on this fight, although no one has informed the dwarf. After the announcement, the dwarf takes a tentative step forward into the arena, drawing a short bow from across his back and knocking an arrow, scanning for trouble. Finding none, he begins a cautious movement to his left, knowing that with any step a monster may appear. When he’s gone about twenty feet, suddenly the air shimmers and a pair of metal lions appear in front of him. They roar as they begin to charge. Quick as thought, the dwarf looses an arrow into a lion’s leg, hoping to slow it, following with a second and third shots to the body before the lion is upon him. The beast swipes back at him, but in its “weakened” state it misses, and the dwarf buries a fourth arrow into the beast’s chest, dropping it to the dusty arena floor. Before the dwarf is able to recover from that shot, the second lion is on him, swiping at him and tearing into his armor. The dwarf fumbles a bit putting away his bow and readying his shield and magic war hammer. CLANG! He strikes a hard blow to the lion’s head, leaving a large dent. The lion counter attacks, shredding more of his armor. They continue to attack back and forth a bit, and then WHAM! The dwarf delivers a massive blow crushing the lion’s head and dropping it in its tracks. Black fluids and smoke gush forth while the dwarf pauses to catch his breath and inspects the metal beast, the likes of which he has never seen before. Apparently he took too long resting, as he looks up in time to see three troll appear across the arena from him. They see him as well and charge. He responds by throwing his hammer at the lead troll, hitting it below the knee and shattering its lower leg, causing it to fall to the ground. The other two trolls rush past their fallen comrade and attack the dwarf, who is using the lion carcasses for a bit of cover. He seems to hold his own against them for a time, giving as good as he gets, and then he begins backing towards a large brazier burning the corner. He seems to have realized that trolls have a weakness against fire. The fight continues slowly, with the dwarf dealing out plenty of damage, but taking damage to shield, armor, and body in return. Suddenly one of the trolls leaps forward and delivers a telling blow, biting through armor to flesh and bone, crushing the dwarf’s left shoulder, leaving his arm dangling almost useless. The dwarf now seems to realize that he may be in trouble, especially since the third troll seems to have healed itself and is now charging towards him as well. He delivers a massive blow of his own, shattering the leg of one of the trolls in front of him, and then he sprints in the opposite direction he had been going, heading for a “power stone” and possible healing. Using the stones is a great risk, as they can have one of two effects, the first of which is healing. The second, however, is not a pleasant thought, as it would teleport him to a random location somewhere else in the arena, and possibly into the area of another as of yet unseen monster. And his hands are already full. Luckily for him, a glow surrounds him as he touches the stone, and he feels greatly refreshed, although not completely healed. Just in time he turns from the stone and throws his hammer, taking another troll in the leg and dropping it to the ground. Another troll is upon him immediately, however, and another is regaining its feet, already healed of the broken leg. The desperate fight continues, with the dwarf smashing legs to keep the trolls from him and the trolls healing themselves rapidly enough that there are almost always two attacking at any time. Then, with a lucky flurry of blows, all three trolls are down at the same time and the dwarf dashes over to the wall where there is a torch. He begins combining hammer throw attacks (the hammer returns to his hand magically each time he throws it, and magically does triple damage when thrown as well), with burning the nearest troll with the torch. With a combination of luck and skill, the dwarf is able to keep all three trolls down, just barely, and receives another dose of healing from the now recharged power stone. Sadly, the torch seems to be having little effect. Switching tactics yet again, the dwarf changes weapons, now using an axe to cut a troll’s head off. He then places the burning torch against the stump of remaining neck on the body and throws the head towards the brazier in the corner. He then moves on and repeats the process with the other two trolls. Once all three heads are severed and the necks cauterized, the dwarf stumbles to the corner and tosses the heads into the flaming brazier. Amazingly, one of the heads had already re-grown much of its body, and it screamed when thrown into the fire. The dwarf then moves back towards the same power stone, touching it for another dose of healing and feels completely refreshed, although his armor is looking pretty ragged already. Then, he begins to advance up the field into as yet untouched territory. After proceeding about 30 or 40 feet without incident, the air shimmers before him again, revealing a pair of ugly stone statues…that come to life and move to attack! The dwarf puts the magic hammer to good use again, breaking chunks and chips from the golems with every blow, and only taking minor injury in the process. In a very short time, both golems are destroyed and our hero pauses once again to catch his breath, hoping that maybe the final two encounters will be as easy as this one…and praying to his gawd that they won’t be as tough as the trolls were. In a short time he is ready and advances forward once again, this time covering more distance before the air shimmers once again, REVEALING A WHITE DRAGON! Using every last ounce of his strength, the dwarf hurls his hammer for the dragon’s head, scoring a mighty blow that knocks the dragon’s head backwards and the beast falls to the ground. Cheers erupt from all sides! The dwarf seems to have killed the dragon with one blow! Then, a glow shimmers around the large, white-scaled beast, and it rises back to its feet, letting loose a deafening roar and a jet of icy breath that takes the dwarf full in the face and almost drops him to his knees, destroying the shredded remains of his armor. Some how he stands his ground, however, and throws the hammer again, and again, while the dragon charges and begins tearing him to pieces. The dwarf attempts to move towards the nearest power stone, hoping for healing but knowing that teleportation would also be useful. He is on his last legs as he reaches the stone, bleeding profusely from many wounds. As he touches the stone, once again a glow surrounds him, delivering some blessed healing. He then digs down deep for some extra reserves of resolve and continues to fight, pounding away at the dragon while it claws and bites at him. The battle is long and bloody. At the end, both combatants seem mostly dead and barely on their feet. The dwarf delivers a final blow to the dragon’s head, dropping it, and then staggering back to the stone for another dose of healing. With the healing, the dwarfs looks somewhat better, at least he is moving better at any rate, but what little armor is left attached to his body is in shards and tatters, and his magic shield is heavily scarred. He moves to the fallen dragon, pulling out an axe once again, and chopping off the beast’s head and lifting it up to the wild cheers from the audience. He then tosses it away and moves back to the first power stone for another dose of healing. With that he feels fully refreshed once again, and seems to become aware that he has now armor left. He takes his time removing it, keeping a weapon ready and watching for the final encounter. He thinks, if a dragon was the fourth encounter, what the firk is going to be the fifth and final one? To his surprise, no other monsters appear in the time it takes to remove the broken armor. So, he picks his shield and hammer back up, touches the stone for another precautionary dose of healing, and then proceeds to move cautiously towards the final unexplored section of the arena. The crowd is hushed in anticipation, being able to see what comes next, but being unable to tell the dwarf. Finally, the air shimmers in front of him once again. This time the dwarf finds himself confronted with what looks like a pair of large black panthers with strange whip/club like appendages sprouting from their backs. He fires his bow at them, using a rapid-fire maneuver in an attempt to kill at least one of the two before they can reach him. The targeted cat seems to shimmer and shift to the side five feet at the arrows hit it, making it uncertain if any damage is being done. Just before they reach him he performs a tumbling maneuver to his left, making for the closest power stone, while at the same time changing back to his trusty hammer. The fight turns vicious and bloody, the cats tearing great wounds in the dwarfs now unprotected body, while he smashes them repeatedly with his hammer. Finally one goes down in a bloody heap and the dwarf is able to touch the power stone. The healing fills him with a refreshing rush and an apparent adrenaline boost, as he discards both shield and hammer for a pair of axes. He attacks in a frenzy with both hands, chopping and hacking while the cat responds with claws, teeth, and whips. With a final roar, the cat falls, and our hero stands above it looking a bloody mess. He makes his way back towards the dragon, following the known safe path, and visiting the power stone for healing as he goes. The fight should be over now, and the crowd is chanting his name, ”GNAR LITCH! GNAR LITCH! GNAR LITCH!” Upon reaching the fallen dragon, he once again picks up its head, raising it in triumph! *Author’s note. This is the story of an RPG arena battle fought under the HackMaster gaming system. My character amazingly survived. When the dragon went down from a single blow, and then got back up, I had dropped it unconscious from a critical hit to the head, doing 53 points of damage in a level 20 crit. The dragon was not dead, but would have been before being able to regain consciousness. However, the GM purged honor to nullify that hit, and the battle resumed. In order to survive, I ended up burning 55 points of honor towards extra damage dice, and used either four or five coupons, all just to survive the dragon that should have been dead. Man was I pissed at the time. I felt robbed! How could he do that to me? Logic and reason, however, tell me that I would have done the same thing if I had been playing the dragon. Having the ability to save myself from certain death within the rules, I would have done so. But, still, I feel cheated of being able to brag about having killed a dragon with a single blow. But wait…isn’t that what I’m doing right now? wink wink*
  22. Dave is just plain struck dumb in shock that Optimus turned against his fellow super hero, Spiderman. He jsut can't beleive the "logic" of sauch an action, because if he's wrong, then we are all dead! OOC: My vote aint changing! ARREST THE STINKY SKUNK!
  23. Dave walks up to where Spiderman and Optimus Prime stand together, and extends his hand... Dave Spidey, Optimus, I know that I said that I suspected you two earlier, and I did, but not very much. I added you into my list of suspects in "fairness" to the other two, being that the two of you should be beyond suspicion and all. Peepi should have been beyond suspicion as well. Spidey, when you say that you know that Prime and the coyote are innocent, I beleive you. Know this, although I have chosen wrong often in the past, I am not the eraser. I strive only to be a hero like yourselves. Saying such, and being as we know that four of us are innocent, then we also know who the two killers are, Pepe Le Pew and Tsukishiro Yukito. I will stand with you against these two. Today, Pepe Le Pew must go! OOC: Accuse Pepe Le Pew/DragonQueen
  24. Dave looks at the others, questioningly.... "So, has no one SEEN anything? Even having seen something that proves someone's innocence would be helpful at this time, even if you are not sure who the guilty ones are. Those who are innocent must band together!
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