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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gnarlitch

  1. If I die this night it will be with a clean conscience and with my eyes open. I know what I do and in Whom I trust. As such I have no fear of death. My only fear is in not doing my utmost to serve and protect my fellow man. This does not mean, however, that I will lie down and die quietly. If I am to die tonite I will die fighting up until my very last breath. And on the morrow, look for my foe, for he will bear the mark of my sword!
  2. Also, Ed, I would urge you to reconsider your vote against yourself. I cannot allow you to allow your guilt over your inability to save Sir Alfred to affect your judgement this way!
  3. Ed made this plan known to me before last night's assassination, hence, I believe him innocent. And, better than innocent, a hero, who has put his own life at risk in order to save mine and the "true" protector. His was a plan of distraction. He was also the first to come to my aid when needed. Sadly, the assassins must have already guessed the identity of the "true" protector, Sir Alfred, when they tried and failed to assassinate him on the second night. Hence, knowing his protective nature, laid a trap for him to fall into when he tried to protect myself last night. I know that this is my last day living on this earth unless we find the last assassin this day. I also know that if you choose to arrest Ed instead of Doyle, you are as good as signing my own death warrant. I am willing to stake my life on Ed's innocence and Doyle's guilt. Doyle knew exactly when Lady Clarice left on her horse and when she was expected back. He was the one to saddle her horse for her. He is also the one to argue against us trying to fing the killers amongst us after the Lord's death. He did not want us seeking for the assassins, but wanted more freedom to do his evil work instead. Wait for the proper authorities? Hah! We would all have been slughtered in our sleep if left up to him. And remember, Doyle leapt to protect Emily when the vote had a chance of going against her. He instead chose to take down one he knew to be innocent. HE KNEW CUTHBERT WAS INNOCENT! BECAUSE HE HIMSELF WAS AND IS AN ASSASSIN! I'll not deny the possibility that I am wrong here. It is possible that the killer be Weatherby, or Marcus, or even Ms. Christie. *points at each in turn* But all the evidence I have found points to Doyle first, and Weatherby as a possible suspect if it is not Doyle. *stands directly in front of Weatherby* But hear this. Edwyn stood by me first when others of you doubted. He has been my friend for years. We even served in Africa together. As such, we share a bond. And, as such, if you would do him harm you must first go through me! OOC:getting a bit confused with there being two "Doyles". I am referring to James/Tamaranis, not Gavin/Matteo in my ranting, although I think I may have confused what each said into one person in there somewhere. *shrugs*
  4. OOC: Ok, as far as suspicions, I don't suspect Eyremon and would ask you not to vote against him at this time. X-Sabre has not logged a post since the game started, so he looks suspicious for that reason alone. (keeping a low profile...or he just lost interest *shrugs*) Methinksyoufoolish One of the top two on my list. Didn't vote last round, possibly to keep from giving himself away by not voting against Elwen, BUT, in the second round, with Elwen tied for the lead his vote was for someone not in the runing. he could have changed to Nave to protect Elwen and he didn't. Once again, it could just have been to keep distance between himself and his partner, but with his partners life on the line, I don't buy it. #2 on list. Ozzy he has voted against both innocent lynchings, and didn't vote against Elwen last round. But, as far aas raanking, he would be #3 on my list. Tamaranis #1 on my list. Jumped in and saved Elwen and lynched Nave instead 2 rounds ago/ Didn't vote last round...maybe so as not to appear too guilty by not voting against the one "seen" as guilty. I just really wish we knew who was baned the second night and so was not slaughtered.... IC: Wil spends the day snooping about the mansion, searching for any other clues and reviewing all of the evidence in his head. Two faces keep comng back to him. The butler and the stable boy. Both keep relatively low profiles as servants. Both could easily have performed the murders and hidden their tracks, so to speak, knowing the manor so well. But, has anyone seen the atavern owner since his arrival? He has not spoken to him yet, nor seen enyone speak to him. Could he be sneaking around? Will goes and checks the door to Worthington's room, finds it unlocked, and so peeks in. It looks as if no one had ever even been there. Maybe the first murder scared him off? In looking for more clues Wil stumbles across Weatherby polishing the silver. Hmm, and the assassins like using silver. And, in all those crime novels it seems as if it is always the butler who did it. Weatherby is definitely suspicious then. Wil next checks the stables, but is unable to find young Mr. Doyle. Maybe Doyle was in love with Emily and thus joined her evil plots for that reason. Or maybe he just hates those of higher social order. Walking back into the sitting room, where Holmes and Watson are chatting quietly, he walks up, presents his suspicions, and then goes on about his buisiness. The decision has been made, then, Doyle/Tamaranis must be the second assassin.
  5. Wil is busy, vomiting noisily into his washbasin until he thinks he may have seen a shoe come out! *pant pant* Wil I was dreaming again, this time about Sir Alfred. It was as if I were standing beside him when he died. Sadly, he it was whom I suspected the most, and yet he died attempting to protect me. It would appear that I am next on the assassins' hit list. And I have not a clue at the moment other than I beleive it was a man. I must think on this a bit.
  6. OOC: Erm... the Great and Mighty Moderatess has clarified a couple of things to me. Let's all just pretend I never said "werewolf" but instead said "assassin." OK? Also, having played werewolf for the last year in another forum, there are no hard and fast rules beyond the basics of voting, lynching, and the slaughter. All else is variable as per the Mod and the players. So. please forgive my "different" style of play from what you are used to. I'm trying to play nice, really I am. IC: Wil wakes up on the couch with a slitting headache and wondering where he is and why....OH! Uh, sorry about all of that. But I swear on me mother's grave, God rest her saintly soul, that I SAW the "Lady" Emily walking the hallway last night meeting her male companion and getting ready to do murder. I wish that there had been something I could do to stop it last night. But as I SAW it in a dream, a vision if you will, I couldn't act until I woke up this morning. I was a wee bit out of sorts over the whole thing and may have acted improperly. However, that does not change what I have seen and what I know. Emily is guilty of murder. As to her partner, I am not yet sure. As to other visions of innocents, well, sadly every innocent I have viewed has since been murdered. *gets up off couch* Watson! ARREST THE MURDERESS! *points at Emily/Elwen* Oh, and Edwyn, we should talk in private, you and I.
  7. Wil rolls with the punches, coughs a couple of times (even thinks he's going to cough something out! ) and then comes back to his feet ready to defend himself. Wil "I dinnae want ta' fight ye lads! *punches Marcus in the nose, causing a satifying **SPLAT!* noise* But Aye will iff'n Aye hafta! That woman is a killer! An' I saw 'er walkin' las' night! *dodges another punch from Marcus, has his own counter punch blocked, and then takes a punch to the stomache* OOF! Marcus! Ya bloody stoopid sod! Yer on'y makin' yerself look guilty as her lad! OW!" *Marcus lands another blow to the side of Wil's head, making him see stars. As his vision fades Wil's last thought is that Marcus MUST be Emily's partner in crime the way he's acting.....
  8. Wil walks into the breakfast room, a look of both anger and determination on his face. He carries in his had a pair of ladies boots and a wad of white cloth, which he throws into the middle of the table. He then reveals the double barrelled shotgun he is carrying in his other hand, which he brings forth and cocks before pointing it at the "Lady" Emily. Wil "If ye be so afflicted, then tell me this! HOW is there mud on yer boots and blood on the hem of yet slip? How I ask ye?" Eyes go wide with shock and outrage and some of the man begin to move as if to protect the "Lady." Wil "Stay ware ye are, lads, Aye got me two barrells 'ere an' at this point ahm not afeered ta use em both! That thar "lady" *spits* is a bloody werewolf I tell ya! I seen 'er wit' me own eyes walkin' the hall las' nigh'! An' her carryin' a silver candelabra an' all! Aye didnae get a good look a' the man she's partnered wit' but 'ee was thar! Now, ya she-_itch! Ya'd better confess an' don' try nuthin'! Aye got ol' Bessie 'ere loaded wit' silver buckshot aye do. An aye tell ye, it'll do fer ye, were-beast or no!" "Lady" Elmily "Well I never! In all my days! How YOU a mere servant could accuse ME. Gentlemen, clearly this man is either insane or drunk! Arrest him!" Wil "I don' drionk, as any here thet knows me kin tell ye. Ain't 'ad a drop o' liquor fer more'n fifteen years! And I ain't crazy neither! I got me the SECOND SIGHT as we call in in Ireland. Me mother 'ad it, God bless her souls, an' me granpappy afore her. It runs in me family, see. An' I KNOW they you are one o' the assassins, an' ye sure as 'ell ain't no lady!" OOC: I beleive I made that clear...I am the SEER and I have seen that Lady Emily/Elwen is a guilty werewolf!
  9. After his brisk morning walk, Wil spends the rest of the day performing the various tasks around the manor that he has been hired for. While he works he keeps mainly to himself, holds his tongue, and keeps his ears open for clues. By the end of the day he is as unsure what to do as he was first thing that morning. All that he is sure of is that a woman is in on the murders. Is it the old scholl teacher? She had been a harsh teacher back when he had been in her class as a boy. But he never would have suspected her of being evil. Now, the gossipy socialite he could see as evil, but he just couldn't see her actually DOING anything. That left the Lady Emily, she whom he knew the least but who, being young and active, seemed the most able to commit the acts thus far. Also, standing against her was his old friend John Norfolk, whom he'd first met in Africa, and the respected school teacher. He hated to do it, especially since one of his lowly station accusing on of her lofty station used to be a sure death sentence. Now, it merely meant that he would most likely lose all his local custom even if he was right in his accusation. Well, sometimes the right choice is difficult to make, but he had never allowed that to stop him in the past. Stepping into the room where Marcus was chastising John... "Ahem. Sirs, Madam. Sorry to interrupt. But, I must say thet all the evidence thus far points at her ladyship 'ere, the Lady Emily. I believe she 'as a 'and in these 'ere murders. As such, I must stand beside Mr. Norfolf 'ere. An' may God 'ave mercy on me soul if'n I be wrong." OOC:a vote for Elwen - Lady Emily Galanodel
  10. Wil feels rather disturbed by all the recent goings on and has no appetite whatsoever. So, instead of making his own breakfast in the servants quarters, he wanders out for a walk. Moving at a brisk pace, he follows a small game trail towards the scene of the most recent murder, inspecting the area for anything unusual as he goes. The dry dirt of the trail seems unable to take much imprint from his shoes, even with the recent light showers to moisten everything. Continuing on towards the site, he still finds nothing out of place or unusual. Once at the site he takes a careful look at where the body was located in reference to the horses tracks on the road. He surmises that, yes, she actually was killed at this spot and not brought to this place after having been murdered somewhere else. Then, using experinces he gained while serving in the Royal Army for some years in Africa, where he spent much time working with the regimental scouts, he makes some educated guesses as to the range possibilities of the thrown (he guesses) dagger, and the directions it could have come from. Using these assumptions he then begins a detailed scout of those areas, looking for signs left behind by the murderer. What he finds leaves him both amazed and puzzled. It would appear as if there was a pair of assasins working together, and one of them a female! More astounding yet, it would appear as if it was the woman who threw the dagger, while the man apparently stepped out of the bushes beside the road to distract and slow down the Lady Clarice. After making these deductions, he then attempts to follow the rather distinctive sharp heel imprints of the woman's boots back to where she came from. That trail soon disappears at the edge of the main roadway, looking as if she had stepped down from a carraige and off into the trees. Tracking her the other direction also became fruitless quite rapidly, as she soon joined a game trail as hard packed as the one he had followed to get here. Then that trail soon disected various other trails, including the one he had folloed here from the estate grounds. Just when he had decided that it would be fruitless to continue this search, he found beside one of the trails part of a locket known to have belonged to the Lady Clarice. The locket had been broken in half after having the picture it may have contained removed. Apparently, it had some signifigance to both the murderer and the deceased. But, was this piece of locket left here by accident? Or was it on purpose?
  11. Returns from digging a grave for the dearly departed in the old family plot "Eh? Wot? All this excitement over a man dying in 'in sleep? *the butler whispers in his ear* 'Ee was poisoned in 'is sleep? A needle? Sounds like the work o' thet there professor if'n ye asks me, not thet ye will. Why didnae ye tell me this afore ah spent the entire bloomin' day diggin' a bloody grave fer the poor sod? Eh?" *walks off grumbling to himself* A vote for Cuthbert/DeantheAdequate
  12. Er, hey Ed. Long time no see. I don' get invitd ta these parties, ya know. Not fer "my kind" o' people. Ahm jus' 'ere ta fix the loo an' ta help wi' the decorations. But thet don' mean I won' be sneakin' a nip now an' then! :yuiwink2:
  13. I guess I'd better pick a character....call me Wil. Not William or Bill or even Will. Just plain Wil, at yer service. I be a jack o' all trades, mum, specializin' in none. I kin do most anythin' thet needs doin', ceptin' mebbe hold a job fer more than a month or two at a time. Foot loose and fancy free is me!
  14. count me in! hoping for the WoT game but the Elizabethan one looks more likely. *shrugs* I'll play either.
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