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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Savage Dragon

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Everything posted by Savage Dragon

  1. The closet was unbearibly small. Once he got rid of the bucket he had more room, but unless a few walls were knocked out, he might have to get used to sleeping standing up. He needed sleep. The day had been so long. All this talk about mutants, arguing, fighting. First they wouldn't let him stay. Now they won't let him leave. He was missing out an the biggest astrological event in over a decade so he could sleep in a broom closet. He would try his best to sleep...
  2. "What? Are you serious?", Greg was screaming again. "I refuse to do that!" "It's the only extra room we have and since you showed up unexpected..." the security gaurd explained "A broom closet? I have to sleep in a broom closet?" "It's that or outside. Your choice." "Ugh" he picked up his stuff and stomped off to the small broom closet.
  3. Well, this was a big disappointment. Driving all the way here to the middle of the freakin` desert to this nowhere town so he could finally get away from all the light pollution in the city and what does he find when he gets here? A huge government site setup with some of the biggest, brightest lights everywhere. This whole section of the desert for miles around was off to the public now. What did they care that one of the biggest meteor showers of the decade would be best visible from this location? What did they care that he had spent 3 months preparing for this trip? It had taken him so long to get permission from the University for this trip and now… “I’m sorry, sir but I’m not allowed to let anyone in without a permit into this area," the gaurd told him. "I just saw a bunch of kids walk into their?" Greg yelled back at him. "Those... visitors are here for the tour. They signed up at least 3 months in advance. It's too late for you to sign up now so i suggest you drive to the nearest town and get a hotel room." "The nearest town!!", Greg was turning red, "The nearest town!! The nearest town is at least 2 hours away." The guard rubbed his temples. "I'm sorry, sir but there is nothing I can do. " "I'll tell you what you can do, Mr. uhhh", he checked the name tag, "Heinrich, you can shove it up my...," he started "Excuse me? Can I slip by here? I'm in a hurry and I need to get through." a voice interuppted. "Excuse ME!! I think I was talk...," Greg turned and was startled by the face he saw. "Greta?"
  4. According to recent polls, abduction's were all a 60's thing and since this is set in the 50's, i'll just be changing my persona. I'll keep the same name, but Gregor is going to be the local astromoner with the big telescope that isn't always pointed to the skies (if you get my drift). Let's say he's about 23 and for some reason he can't find a girlfriend
  5. Hey, am i being left out again? Im in as the crazy guy who was abducted 10 years ago by the werewolfs. Name, eh, i'll go with Greggor Kinjiru... i like that name. looking forward to a great game.
  6. yea like i said in the Q+A, im in as the old crazy guy who was abducted 10 years ago and has been warning you all of the werewofls for ages... and im still waiting to here your decision on the multiple werewolves vahktang
  7. Bloody Hell! Killed by a candle. You go away for one day and bam!!! not even a chance to defend.... Well i already have my suspicions as to who the killer is. Make the right choice will you, it all seems so obvious now... My one complaint, shouldn't someone had said "The butler did it!!!" just before i died?? we need to work on our irony here.
  8. Well now that we have only 7 players left in our current werewolf game, im curious as to how our next one will be working. Who will be MOD? Where will it be set? Also ive been thinking about it, and i think since we might want to add some more stuff to make it more interesting as we go along, I have an idea as to what we can do. It's something i did in another game of a similiar style. We could split up the werewolves. Make them no longer a team. or if we have enough players have two teams with two werewolves each. there are a lot of settings were that would fit nicely. I picture for the next setting Chicago with two rival mafia's going at each other. I think it would work great. opinions?
  9. Well, thats nice to know, when your not sure who to vote for, everyone just randomly decides to vote for the butler. Well thats reassuring. Could we get serious here and vote for the ones likely to be killers. What reason do i have to be a killer? There is no motive for me. Please if we want to catch these killers we must use logic. I've been convinced for the most part by Mr. Cooper and i will change back to my earlier suspiscion of Mr. Doyle. OOC: James Doyle
  10. Arrg, my simple mind. "Maybe i can understand if you were trying to protect Wil, who wouldn't do their best to in this situation, he is our best hope of surviving this ordeal. What i don't understand is how you hoped to do it. You laim to have no training as an assaisin, or with potions, or with the second sight, and yet you still think you can stop this lone assasian. you americans are arrogant. and then when your supposed "plan" fails, you accuse yourself. How is that supposed to help? no what you say doesn't make sense, there must be some other explaination, and until you can tell us what it is, my vote stys with you, i urge the others to change theres as well," Wetherby sat down, his speech finished.
  11. well it sounds interesting, although im not too sure what its all about, but im sure all will become clear....hopefully, if not, eh we can say we had fun. since im currently playing a pirate in Peter Pan and loving it, why not try this play. what kinda audtition am i expected to do here anyways? i can sing a few commercial jingles if you want. let me know. oh and anyone in the northern VA area should come see Peter pan at MV High school
  12. OOC: now come on, it wasn't even that obvious that you were claiming to be the baner before, and now you gave it all away. have more faith in your slyness next time. IC: Cooper's blunder with words is made obvious when he cries out during breakfast in the morning. Everyone is silent for a moment. "Well i don't know what to say, now, it seems this horrible travesty is finally over. Here is the one we have looked for." Guns are quickly pulled out and pointed at Mr. Cooper. "Quite odd, in fact, this secret Werewolf guild didn't sound like the type to let in Americans, they have no sense of style." OOC: Mr. Cooper
  13. i once had a dream where i married the love of my life and we couldn't consemate our love because we kept being interrupted. Talk about annoying, i like your dream better than mine.
  14. "Fools all of you, sending that man to be locked up in the attic. He's the safest of us all now. I may very well join him. I tell you i know the minds of commoners and lords and how they think, i've been around both long enough. This has to be the work of some commoner. Lords have even more brutal ways of destroying a man than killing him, if they so desire," he was hyperventilating now, "Only a low-life could be the killer." James rose from his chair, "You son of a..." "I don't know if you're the killer anymore," Wetherby interrupted, "But you could be, if you all would just see that and stop picking on the old lady in the chair," he felt a weight on his chest where the old lady's letters rested, "That woman could never be responsible for something this horrific" With that he turned and headed for the door. Mr. Vahktang raises his hand, as if to request something. "Oh, get your own wine!" and he went to bed
  15. "It was still there!!!" Wetherby sprang up from a seat and everyone was once again startled by his sudden involment in the conversation. "What was still there?" Wil asked him. "The letter opener was still there!!!", they all still looked at him quizically, "It was still on the desk when we all went in there to look at the body. I remember seeing it laying on the desk, undisturbed. It must have been after we went back into the palor that it must have been taken." Everyone's face seemed to lighten up for a moment. They looked around at each other. "So that means whoever has been in there since..." he looked up and saw the stable boy, James. "YOU!!!", he pointed at him, "You went in there afterwards to perform your little unorthodox search, you must have taken it. Mystery over folks, we have the killer right here." OCC: James Doyle
  16. Wetherby was bothered. This was the second of his master's family to die and still he felt no remorse. Am i that cruel hearted? he wondered. Of course he had offered condolences but they were automatic and he put no emotion into it at all. And now he almost regeted giving them. If they hadn't been real what was the point. It surely didn't make him feel any better or Lord Richard either. All that had happened was it made him feel guilty. Guilty for offereing condolences? It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense.
  17. Wetherby sat in his small servant's quarters alone. He held the old woman's letter in his hand. He knew how to open a letter, read the contents, and reseal it without anyone being able to dtect it. He often read the other's mail and when he first took the letter he had intended to read it, but her parting words, "If anything happens to me..." Well, for once he would do the right thing, he decided while slipping it back into his vest pocket. He only hoped would have the chance to before he died as well.
  18. "Gentlemen!!!" Wetherby's voice cut the noise and all turned to look at him. They were used to him silently handing out drinks and the abrupt sound of his voice startled them. Setting down the tray he walked over to the American, and forced him in a chair. "Now you listen to me" he said, pointing his finger in Cooper's face. "You're all acting like dogs, fighting over a slab of meat. Fighting with emotion won't work, accusing those you dislike will only get yourself killed in the end. Fight with logic if you want to live. Look at those with motives and the means to kill. Those with access to the murder weapon." he said, eyeing the doctor. "Getting lectured by the help, of all things" Marcus sighed. Wetherby walked over to him and slapped him on the face. Marcus was stunned. "I served in the Navy for 8 years and i'm as good as a man as you. I'm in the same danger as you all, both from the assasians and the accusers." he said, eyeing the doctor once again. "My vote stands."
  19. "Too be accused in reference to a book." Wetherby complained to a maid in the kitchen. "He really accused you in front of everyone?" she asked. "Oh, everyone laughed afterwards, but it was a nervous sort of laugh, and Dr. Cuthbert remained serious." he replied. "He had dark looking eyes. Harsh words coming from a man who would have such easy access to the chemicals that killed our master." "Oh and like you didn't have reason to kill him" she smiled a him "Oh he was a hard ass but he didn't deserve death" He smiled back "Well unlike that other one" his smile disaappeared. "Well that one is never nice to any of us" she said, in a more somber mood herself." "Well no matter," he said, returning to the smile, "we must get the drinks ready for the geusts" "Oh, yes god forbid they stay sober for once", and she pulled out a tray of glasses. They filled each one with champagne. He turned to her, "Shall we do the honors?" "Gladly", and with that they both spat in the same drink they always spat in. "We are pretty childish, aren't we?" she asked "No more than the rest of them" he said picking up the tray. He headed for the door but she ran up to him. "Wait," she said, spitting in another glass. "For Mr. Cuthbert, for actions of late." He smiled and stepped into the next room. "Drinks anyone? oh no, that one is for Mr. Cuthbert" OOC: Mr. Cuthbert- DeanTheAdequate
  20. Raises his glass in salute "Hurrah for the man of the hour"
  21. Wetherby was there, of course, to greet guests as they came. He took care of all the luggage and delt kindly with his master's guests. They hardly seemed to notice him, for he kept quite. In fact he surprised a number of the guests with his harsh coughs. He claimed he had caught a slight cold and they gave apologies without meaning them. He was always tired it seemed, for they turned often to find him yawning, but he kept his spirits up all the same. He smiled at himself, they were so busy with each other they had not notice the faces he was making at them behind they're backs or the names he called them hidden by a cough. Quite childish, yes, but it relieved stress, something he had a lot of with this job. Better childish games than a kitchen knife in the middle of the night. And so it went on, he had an uneasy feeling that his games did not go unnoticed but no one said anything. Perhaps they didn't care
  22. WOW The chronichles are SOOOOO great. Reading them is so fun cause i recognize all the dialouge. youre doing a great job Tanny, i love how you involved the werewolf PMs. Its so good, im posting my response here cause i dont want to interupt the flow of the chronicles with inane chatter. so im putting it here. I love and cant wait for the next part
  23. ok here are all the Werewolf PM's so who ever wants to use em can, they might be a good read too
  24. THE BUTLER DID IT!!!! Well, maybe not but thats who i'll play as anyway. I'm not totally sure who's butler im going to be though? Maybe a noninvolved character, maybe mr. brown (but i did that last time), so i might just pick someone else who i think should have a butler, with thier permission, once a few more people sign up. So sign me as the butler for now looks like we are going to have a lot of people involved this time around, hope your up to it Tanuchan EDIT: oops forgot the name, guess I'll go with Wetherby Danielson
  25. IM IN!!! IM IN!!! i CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TOO BEGIN. MWAH HA HA HA I SHALL WIN AGAIN. i prefer sherlock cause i think more people are likely to be familiar with it than wheel of time. but i'd love it either way :dragon4:
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