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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Savage Dragon

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Everything posted by Savage Dragon

  1. Well, that's pretty obvious. On another trip across the plains you were abandoned by you train. You were given one bullet to commit suicide when it became too bad. You escaped that fate and now save the bullet for the leader of the train who abandoned you. How's that? Ok not everything has to do with pirates, you know. my bullet might be for something else, im not totaly sure what it is for yet. but my life doesnt revolve around Johnny Depp, but of course if you want to go on beliveing that i look like Johnny Depp, i understand
  2. Thank you!! I've been reading dune and some of its rubbing off on me i think. The mad scenes had the same sense of style as those novels. I considered having Greggor o blind as well but the story was almost over anyway. I actually had some interesting luck with the seering. until the end i never actually saw a wolf but every character i saw didn't die. first i checked out Tom, the other scientest, then Zach, then Timmy. By the end the only people that werent dead that i didnt know were innocent were Jamia and Dirk and Jamia turned out to be the wolf.
  3. Well as much as i love being a pirate i'll save that for another time. i already posted my bio at the poll but i'll repost it here for people too lazy to click to it
  4. Hey just because i was eager about pirates doesn't mean im not willing about cowboys. I'm thinking i'll be a runaway of sorts, if the story can manage it. A lad of seventeen years, by the name of Jake Burrow who comes with nothing more than a old friend, his horse, a blanket, and a six-shooter. The gun carries but one bullet, no one but Jake knows why. No one knows where the rest of his family is or even if they're still alive. All they now is he's headed west with this wagon train. So thats my deal. Im pretty sure western is our final setting so lets get started already. I dont think i could handle two games at once. so lets save pirates for another time.
  5. The Pen could always use a few good men... i mean women... i mean, whatever. Congrats to my arch nemisis for finally dragging her butt in here. I raise my glass to you... or at least i would, if i had one...
  6. Well, I suppose there were some women aboard pirate ships. but probably not an entire crew. and remember this is the Bounty which defeinly wasnt women run. of course no minds if reality gets bent a little...
  7. AAARG!!!! I am sooo ready to be a pirate. I've been a pirate for the play Peter Pan for 3 months now. You might say i know what i'm doing. Me name is Cecco, I'm italian and in it fer the gold. I'm also a pretty mean chef which is my chosen duty aboard the Bounty. unless of course we end up doing western. then i'll just have to think of something else
  8. OOC: Very good, i like how most characters came back. all except Albert but he was rooting for the wollfies at the end so maybe he deserved it. look forward to the next one
  9. Heinrich’s staff thudded softly against the ground as he walked. He’d traveled these paths many times before. He untied the cord around his neck and let his cloak fall to the ground. Where he was going he wouldn’t need it.
  10. "Well, what about you, Greg?" Dirk asked, "Who do you think has done it. Or do we need to turn all the lights off first" "Light or dark, it doesnt matter. i can see in both." "What do you see?" Zach asked. "See? i see many things. I see things that most do not. I can see life and death in front of me bor behind me. I can see all" "I dont like you" Timmy said, "You're scary" "You should be little kid, for i am the most feared thing man has ever seen. I am Truth and I am ugly. You cannot see me but I see you all. Ive seen all of you. Every last one of you. I've seen light, light within Tom, Zach and you Timmy. I've seen dark as well." slowly his gaze turned to Jamia "YOU!!" he yells, "You are the dark that I have seen. Be gone you villanious spawn, back to the hell you crawled out from. You have extinguished enough life and light. You speak of the dead as they were your friends and not your prey. The true Jamia had campassion and love before you killed her. You know nothing of what it is to be human, that is why you have been cast out into the light. You can deciece us for a time but you were doomed to fail. Now it is time for you to die"
  11. "the absence of Heinrich worries me" greg said "it is likely he is responsible for all of this. I place the blame on him" OOC: Heinrich
  12. "But why are the lights out in the first place?" Zach called out. his question was answered by a maniacal laugh. it was the kind of laugh that seemed a little too high pitched and lasted a little too long to be normal. "Greg?" Jamia asked "You know after all these years, its nice to know that i'm officially crazy. and now i can sit here in the darkness with some good friends and we can be crazy together" another laugh followed this. "I'm not crazy" Tom's voice could be heard saying "You will be" greg yelled harshly, "soon we all will be, how could anyone not be with all this death and suffering around us, and now darkness infinite darkness" "Greg, if you would just turn the lights back on..." Jamia said camly "The lights, the lack of lights is not what caused all this darkness. It is one of us that keeps us in shadows. these lights dont matter anymore" without being able to see, everyone's hearing was slighty increased. everyone could quite clearly hear greg flick the light switch again. yet the lights remained off. voices off terror filled the room, sobs from timmy, cries from Kerri "There has to be some reason for all of this" Tom said above the other voices "There is no room for reason in a room filled to the brim with darkness" greg said "Damn your darkness" Tom said "i just found something, broken glass, someone busted all the light bulbs"
  13. Greg sits back in his chair. Another killer... it was driving him mad. he didn't even know these people and they were all slowly dying. who was next? he twiddled a pen, in his hands, he always was jittery when he was nervous. he use to play games like this when he was kid. shake hands with the other players, get squeezed and you're dead. the stupid little death scenes they would create when they got sqeezed made suddenly all too real by recent events he stood up, pacing, no one even seemed to notice his thoughts raced. someone was playing mind games with them, playing them like puppets. he wasn't going to be anyone's damn puppet. he threw his arms around him, like he was pulling off the strings that made him move the way the puppeteer wanted. he wouldn't follow the rules of this master. he had to throw him off. had to do something unexpected. he looked at the people around him, no one was paying much attention. moving quickly, he ran to the wall and in one guesture flicked off the lights.
  14. well lets see if we can avoid suicide in the future, we have enough death around us as it is. We need to find who is the killer among us. so all this death can stop. i dont have the stomache for it.
  15. Such as shame, such a shame. So sad to see him go.... so whats to eat around here?
  16. Id be interested to hear Ed's defense, if he would care to give it to us.
  17. Joe was as confused as the rest of them. He didn’t know where they came from or who sent it. It was strange and a little worrying. Stephanie and Jocelyn had been talking about it when he walked up. “And he found them sitting on his backpack?” Stephanie asked. “Right, he doesn’t know who put them there.” Jocelyn responded. This piqued Joe’s interests. Not the normal conversation he heard from his friends. “What’s going on?” he interrupted. “Joe,” Jocelyn said, startled, “Oh wait, you got one too. Let me get it,” and she ran up the aisle of the auditorium. “What is she talking about?” Joe asked, turning to Stephanie. “Here, look at mine,” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, “There all the same except for the name on the front. “It was just a white sheet of computer paper, folded in half. On the front it said, “#6 Stephanie Leotard” and that was it. On the inside there was a short, typed, three sentence message. “Want to do some good? Then do a friend a favor and go to the men’s dressing room at 2:10 pm on Friday, April 2. It’s important.” At the bottom it had the name –“Josh” in quotations, like it was an alias. That was it. “Who is Josh?” Joe asked. “That’s just it, we don’t know.” Just then Jocelyn returned, “Here’s yours Joe,” and she handed him another paper. It was identical to the other except the words “#9 Joe Savage” on the front. “Where did you get it?” he asked. He didn’t know what to think. “They were sitting on Nick’s backpack after he dropped it off.” Jocelyn told him, “Just sitting there.” “And we have no idea who put them there?” “Nope, no one saw anything, there all typed so there is no handwriting to base it off of and no one knows anyone named Josh” “What are the numbers for? How many people got these?” “Twelve total,” Stephanie replied. Indeed, she was right, there had been twelve. I had sent twelve letters to some of my most personal friends because I needed their help. They didn’t know why yet or how but it was important, the truth is even I didn’t know what it was about, but I felt the need to do it anyway. Twelve friends. #1 Will Brewskie, #2 Emil Christain, #3 Austin Coabble, #4 Jessica Dardy, #5 Brandon Harrber, #6 Stephanie Leotard, #7 Lee Magnum, #8 Sarah Premleton, #9 Joe Savage, #10 Andrew Scott, #11 Nick Waggle, #12 Whitney Zangeroo. “I didn’t get one,” Jocelyn told him. “Friday? That’s a bit odd,” Joe said. “Why?” They both asked together. “It’s Brandon’s birthday on Friday, could be he’s doing it,” he told them. “Well, they were on Nick’s backpack, would’ve been easy for him to “find” them there” Jocelyn told them. “Well, today’s Monday right? So if it’s this Friday… don’t we have play practice?” “Yea,” Jocelyn answered, “but it doesn’t start till 3:30” “Well, I guess I’ll go then, it says a friend.” “There is one other possibility,” Stephanie said. “What?” “You know, the big sandwich boards we have to paint? Maybe this is just the director’s way of getting us all there to paint” ----------------------------------- Any and all comments appreciated. from spelling to grammar to whatever. this one means something to me and i can use the help, so do a friend a favor.
  18. Who knows who is guilty? I havent seen anything yet as to who is guilty and who is innocent and i feel uneasy as to who to vote for. I dont know any of you and for the most part, you seem normal. I guess you can call me a swing vote, if anyone wants to try to persuade me, best of luck. for now, i'll say nothing else.
  19. OOC: Well, one wolf dead, one to go IC: "So back to the project?", Greg asked The looks he got told him no. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad, let's pull ourselves together and keep truckin`" "Easy for you to say," Ed told him, "You don't even look ruffled." "Didn't you run into a corner during all of this?" Tom asked. "Okay so i didn't respond as bravely as some of you guys..." Greg started. "And some of the girls" Terri reminded him. "Hey, someone has to stand at the curb and clap as the heroes march by" Looks of disgust... "Whatever"
  20. um, ok Greg gets out of his closet cause he suddenly remembers hes too scared to sleep
  21. Greg settles down as best as he can in his closet. Let the night come...
  22. Greg finds Timmy walking with Jamia and seeing the two walk together, he wanders off, letting the two have thier bonding moment. He ponders on the actions of Greta. When he had first run into her, she let him into the building and signed him up for the tour and then totally ignored him afterwards. He wasn't surprised, He met her while he was studying overseas in college and he hadn't been the most popular guy. He asked her out on a date once but he hadn't recieved the answer he was looking for. Rumors had been circulating, rumors were always circulating, it seemed. Well let them have thier gossip, he had other plans with what to do with his life.
  23. "Ugh" say Greg as he heads out the door. "Where you going?" Tom asked him. "To look for that little kid. Last time he ran away we all got in a heap of trouble"
  24. "Such a shame. The boy had so much potential. Reminded me a little of myself when i was that young." Tom Dashing said. "Yes, the boy did die a hero but he still died unessarily. How come no one noticed that he stayed in the room while we closed the door? Isn't someone here responsible for watching out for these kids? I find it hard to believe he was simply misplaced." "Now Greg, no need to go pointing fingers already." Tom nodded toward the kids. "I'm not making any accusations just yet. I'm just saying"
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