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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Appy

  1. Lovely, just lovely. I really like the setup you have here.

    One thing that bothered me was the switching between characters that came out of nowhere.

    Starting here:

    Something really didn’t feel right to her about all of this.

    Michael wanted to reach out to her, but didn’t think it would be a good idea so he kept his hands to himself

    Up to this point everything Micheal did and said could be seen from Geni's position. But him wanting to reach out to her crossed into his position. That jolted me and might be something to keep your eye on as you write on.


    And yesssss please write on!



  2. What they said! *points upwards*


    I'm definitely impressed by your poetry. And I can imagine that doing this everyday should make it easier as you progress, once the familiar pathways in your brain are activated again ^_^


    Keep up the good work :D

  3. Wild roses on a bed of white

    coldness enters;body into blight


    Warm splatters on a bed of snow

    hands twisted;boddily bloodflow


    Dampening air above a bed of final

    verification of ending life...






    ~There,fixed it, I suddenly saw what was wrong. It was the repetition of roses/petals ^_^~

  4. Yes thank you for reminding me Hjolnai (what fun name to spell btw)!


    Snypiuer (another fun spelling) you're doing a terrific job for sure! You have my respect and for me,whatever you're doing, it worked because I keep comming back to see what you did this time *^_^*

    Took me long enough to figure out that I could actually participate here again http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif


    Anyways... have a :flower: and keep up the good work ^_^ *huggles*

  5. It's a good rhythm and conveys what you wanna say in an elegant way.

    So apart from niggling with the rhythm here and there and nit-picking on words it's good in my book already.

    The one thing that threw me off was the duckling at the end. Where did that come from? :blink:


    Good luck on your revising ^_^

  6. Yay for wikis and episode lists. It should be episode nr. 217 or 218 in which it first appears. They were published in 2004-2005 (yes, it's an ongoing series even today) It's brilliant and you're going to love it and that goes for the whole series I do believe ^_^

    So go get it :D

  7. I just know that Luffy, the main character in One Piece, at some point aquires a Battle Afro and it's SOOOOO cool! :D So it could be an homage indeed, but from whom to whom? ;)

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