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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by TLDunn213

  1. No. I just found in on the net somewhere
  2. Deep Ones are the result of Thulien larvae implanting into Merefolk and/or Tritons. The Morphosis process and results are basically the same as for implantation into land based humanoids. There is a somewhat higher survival rate for Kulls than in their land based counterparts But this is due to the simple fact of how implantation can occur in an aquatic environment. Implantation on land is basically only going to happen with help. So there will be Thuliens, typically in the Illith phase of their life cycle, nearby to notice and dispose of Kulls when they occur. But in an aquatic environment implantation can occur in a much more by chance manner. With a larvae simply finding a sleeping Formdoner implanting itself. As to aperance Deepones look like Illith from the waist up and like a Merefolk or Triton from the waist down. An interesting side note on this is that Merefolk and Tritons seem to be two forms of the same species. That are simply manifesting different aspects of their nature. Most notably the single vs split tail/legs and abilitie to come ashore, breathe air, and so on. From my research it seems that switching between Triton and Merefolk modes is a function of environment and will. Although there may be some potion involved to help expedite the process. Which seems to take a few days to a week to accomplish. It is also worth noting that Kulls seem to be much more accepted in Merefolk/Triton society than is the case on land. As to why I have yet to find any particular reason. But given that acceptance of Kulls varies widely in land based cultures it is quite likely that I will find that there is no particular reason and it is simply a matter of circumstance and expedience.
  3. Back when I was running a campaign in the Shard Scape, I was mostly using D&D 3rd edition for my game mechanics. With a few mods for stuff that D&D didn't have. The Shard Scape is both a game world and the background for some stories that I intend to get back to working on someday. The stories are sort of connected to a second world that is a version of Earth as it would have been if a Thulien colony ship had crashed under Chicago in the 1920s. The main Shard Scape is a D&D ish world that is coming apart due to time travel paradoxes that are mostly the work of the mad god yuuxath. I'll need to take the time to look through what all I've posted so far to figure out what lore I have and haven't covered yet.
  4. Nope. No book. It all relates to my Shard Scape game world. But the stuff I have here is as close to organized as it gets; for now. Why ? Because I haven't gotten around to doing anything more with it, yet. In the meantime I am willing to try and answer any questions you might have about my world and the things that are running around in it.
  5. TLDunn213


    While many believe the Slisty to be a race unto themselves, this is not actually the case. They are in fact a type of ZaRak. The confusion is however quite understandable as the slisty are contracted for periods of 5 to 10 years. With many Slisty staying out in the world for many more years after their initial contract is completed. While other ZaRak can be hired for various projects, these arrangements are typically for only a few weeks and seldom for locations greater than a few days travel from the hive. Slisty are humanoid in shape standing around 5 to 6 feet. With 5 and a half being the most common height. They range in color from light tan through brown to dark green. There is no apparent connection between color and age or gender. The latter bit being no surprise as most people believe them to be genderless. This is another understandable mistake, as they do not want the truth of their nature widely known. The reality of the matter is that they are in fact hermaphrodites. So that a pair of Slisty are able to start a new hive in any location that suits their purposes. This is quite likely why they exist and are contracted out in the first place. As it both provides income for the Hive and allows for a long scouting period for the finding of suitable locations for future Hives. For those who may not be familiar with the Slisty a quick rundown of their aperance and abilities. As noted above they are humanoid in shape, three fingered hands with opposable thumb and claw like nails. Capable of dealing damage equal to a typical dagger. The most notable feature of the Slisty is of course their large compound eyes. With each simple eye having an optic membrane, similar to that found in Morlocks, and able to both focus and polarize light independently. Slisty have truly amazing visual abilities. Including 180 degree vision and almost supernatural accuracy with ranged attacks of all kinds. While somewhat more limited in the range of temperatures they can tolerate compared to other races, their other abilities still make them a highly valued addition to military teams in a wide range of operations. The full lifespan of a Slisty is unknown as they do not come out into the world until they are full adults and return to their hives before the onset of any desernable signs of aging. The typical active phase for a Slisty is around 50 years. The outer carapace of a Slisty is comparable to boiled leather and provides protection basically equal to armor of that type. As to weapons, they prefer ranged weapons, naturally But seem to have little preference beyond that. They can and do carry and wield close combat weapons with adequate skill and no notable preference as to type. It is not really all that surprising that their skills at close combat are not that impressive given that very few foes are able to survive long enough to reach close combat range. If you are deadly enough with your bow and throwing knives, You aren't really going to have much need for a sword.
  6. Related note on Cephalarack spores. These spores do not actually come from the Cephalarack itself but are derived from the Chaos Fungus upon which it feeds. Which accounts for why the various types of Chaos Fungus are so often found around Thulien spawning pools. More on Chaos Fungus in a later post.
  7. Wow. I can't believe it's been this long since I was last here. Anyway new bit of lore on the Thuliens. Relating to the Intelect Devower; or Seku. This phase of the Thulien life cycle happens when the person infested with cephalarack eggs doesn't end up immersed in water at the time the eggs are ready to hatch. This is fairly rare as the spores implanted with the eggs makes the impulse to seek out a deep enough body of water quite strong. (More on those spores in a bit.) However it is something that can happen and when it does the eggs dissolve releasing compounds that cause the brain to undergo a morphosis similar to what happens in the Varna. The notable differences being that this is happening at the egg stage and is producing a seku. Seku have legs and a scorpion like stinger which is used both for injecting a paralytic venom and the laying of eggs. The eggs, (typically placed near the base of the skull ) will behave the same as the eggs of a cephelarack hatching into tadpoles if the infested person is submerged in water or else dissolving and producing a seku if not. Once a seku has hatched it feeds by way of essence drain leaving a desiccated carcass behind if feeding in its natural state. A Seku will aquire a husk similar to how a Varna does. However the Varna is using the remains of the person it formed from. A Suku will make a new husk for itself by consuming the brain and memories of its victim and then using its body compression ability to fit itself into the now empty skull. Once it has installed itself and repaired the damage involved with this process it will feed on those around it through a slow and subtle form of essence drain that slowly erodes the mind (which is where the Intelict Devowerer name comes from. ) Seku are used as spies just as Varna are. The main advantage to the Seku is that they do not undergo the growth process that limits the time a Varna can act in this role. The major drawback to using Seku is that the essence drain process is less reliable at gaining the memories There is an ongoing debate among scholars as to why Varna seem to be preferred over Seku as spies. I hold to the belief that this is not the case at all and that the reason Varna seem to be preferred is due to the Varna simply being discovered more often. After all if a Seku is careful about its feeding habits its presence could go undetected for a very long time.
  8. While Sky Jellies are aberrations they do not share the complex life cycle of most other aberrations. Able to reproduce both sexually and asexually. Sky Jellies also seem to have total control over how many offspring to have and how long to spend on gestation. While I'm quite sure that there are practical limits on size and number of offspring, there are credible reports of Sky Jellies giving birth to swarms of several hundred, each only a few inches across. And equally valid reports of a single offspring, that was close to 20inches across. Which is essentially a young adult. Both of these events involved a generation period of approximately one year. There are other reports of Sky Jellies giving birth to a dozen or so offspring of about an inch in size in as little as a month. It is unclear how long these creatures live or how big they can get. There are reports, (of questionable veracity, and so far unconfirmed) of specimens that are over 500 years old and over 5 yards across. More credible reports put the average age at around 100 years with a cross section of around 6 feet with a matching tentacle length. Sky Jellies are able to photosynthesize but are also known to eat pretty much anything they can find or catch. So it is unclear how much of their energy needs are provided by sunlight and how much from what they eat. In any event Sky Jellies are generally peaceful beings mostly interested in going about their lives and studying whatever happens to catch their interest. They are a psionic race, displaying telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation. As the most common abilities. With various other psionic abilities being reported in some individuals. Expect for a very basic form of teleempathy Most Sky Jellies don't start showing abilities until they are close to young adulthood. The rate of development in a given individual seems to depend upon how developed they were at birth and on available food. A newborn only a couple of inches across is known to have reached young adult size,(about 3 feet across) in as little as 6 months. As Sky Jellies, like all Aberrations, have genetic memories, There was no evidence of any lack of mental development in the individual noted above.
  9. The final (at least for now) features of the Tiki Islands are the Oasis Mountains and the Halo Islands. The Halo Islands are located in a ring around the edge of the rest of the archipelago and the mountain at the center of each island has a ring of clouds around the top. This cloud layer marks an intershardic boundary which when crossed provides access to assorted oases located in the Suhadra Desert. Which is beyond the western firewall of Astrya. See map.(assuming I get around to drawing one and uploading it.) As to which island links to which Oasis...Good luck sorting that out. As far as can be determined the oases in the Suhadra wander around every bit as much as the islands. So it is impossible for me to say if a given island stays linked to the same oasis or if that also changes randomly. So just hire a native guide and tell them where you are trying to go.
  10. The islands get their name from the talking Tikis that are scattered around all of the Islands. While no one seems to know for sure who (or maybe what) make the first ones they seem to be self replicating/generating as new ones are reported every now and again. Or maybe they just move around and/or change appearance as people also report not being able to find older ones who's location was thought to be well known. The Tikis can be bargained with for information, healing, and magic items. Taking information, magic items, and raw magical energy as payment. There is a rumor that it is taboo to ask the Tikis about themselves, but no one seems to know for sure. Much less agree as to what, if anything, happens if you break the taboo. Few people are willing to risk it, and those who have tried to find out have been frustrated in their attempts. It seems that it is impossible to find a Tiki while being followed. If you find a Tiki the people who were following you have lost track of you. Or if you are the one doing the following and lose track of your target you might not find them again. Of course this may just be a feature of the Islands in general, as all attempts at mapping them have proven futile. And getting lost is insanely easy. At least if you are an outsider with out the help of a native guide. Natives and long time residents Never get lost and can reach Any location in the Entire Archipelago in a matter of hours if not minutes. It is even rumored that expert guides can reach locations that are not even in the archipelago at all. Careful research into this later trick has revealed the presence of Wayward Pines at the arrival point. But this just exchanges one mystery for another. While it has long been known that Wayward Pines can transport people from place to place it was believed to just be a sort of random tunnel type of thing. Find one, note where it is, wait for it to flicker to its other location, and make a note of where that is. And you have a secret shortcut between those two places. But no one seemed to know how to set up the link or how they were triggered. But the Tiki Island natives seem to know how to do both. Which leaves me wondering what price is paid for this secret.
  11. Tell me more about this atoll and I'll see if I can locate it on the map
  12. The Tiki Islands, as I may have mentioned elsewhere in these writings, are an archipelago located a rather goodly distance to the east and a little bit to the south of Ha'Ven. Or about a full day's sail Northeast of the Sargasso sea. Places and features of note include the Big Island at the center (more or less) of the group called Big Island, Center island, or Hakaguiluge. (Pronounced: hock a gooy loogy .)(Don't give me that look. I didn't name the place.) Which is also the name of the volcano at the center of the island. The volcano, and the whole archipelago to some extent, is magical. As well as Simi active. While it hasn't erupted in ages. There is a lave chamber with magma that rises and falls regularly enough to keep the mud pools on its slopes bubbling at near boiling temperatures. Even heating them enough to send large blobs of scalding hot mud flying out of the pools and several yards downslope. While this would seem to be a good reason for sensible people to stay away. It is also one of the main reasons for some people to go there. As noted the volcano is magical, and so is the mud from the pools on its slopes. With just a little work a skilled Alchemist can extract a number of different magical Dusts and Powders. As you might expect the levels of magic here are high enough to give rise to Mudmen in a number of the mud pools. So; No, you aren't imagining it. Those scalding hot mud blobs are being aimed at you, more often than not. Still, given that a one pound ball of this magic mud can sell for 5 to 10 Silver. There are a number of people who make their living by dodging scalding hot mud blobs and looking for rare plants that don't grow anywhere else. There are also rumors of a complex of caves and secret chambers up there that have been used as hiding places for different magical artifacts over the years and whatever equipment Adventuring parties that didn't make it might have had with them. There are a number of other features of the Islands that I'll get into next time. As well as a few more details about what's rumored to be hidden in the caves of Hakaguiluge.
  13. You start with C the catalyst Once that's in place you move on to B which by itself is harmless and will be broken down by the body into E which is excreted. But when C is present it is turned into D which is deadly. So to counteract D you take A the antidote. A turns D into E which is excreted but the reaction also turns A into B which then reacts with C forming more D. And so you are trapped by the chain poison. Now the key to getting out of this is in E which can be collected from what you are excreting and then reacted with A to form F. Which can then be used to flush the C out of your system. And without C the B formed by naturalizing D with A just breaks down into E which is excreted and then you're free.
  14. TLDunn213


    So of course. This time it works. Oh well, at some point all the bugs will get fixed.
  15. TLDunn213


    Just tried to post something and it is saying my Email address is in use by another member. Got the mass email you sent. Tried replying to it. Didn't work. Trying to post stuff here. So far also no luck.
  16. TLDunn213


    Good Luck Well that worked And I'm able to change themes. And so far it's only ask one time if I'm a robot. So, Good Job. Keep up the good work.
  17. TLDunn213


    Android actually. But I don't see why it keeps asking. Does the Mighty Pen have something against artificial lifeforms? And it's still doing it. Seems to be some sort of time out thing. And I can't get the @<_%$#!ing thing to change themes at all now.
  18. TLDunn213


    Okay then. The themes seem to be working, Except at the home screen, not mobile friendly there. But that's a minor issue. I can zoom out and see everything, if slightly smaller than I would like. Other issue I'm noticing as I'm trying to type this. The site keeps asking me to confirm that I'm not a robot. Not sure what's up with that. Odds are you already know about all this. But in case you didn't... Anyway Good luck getting all the bugs worked out.
  19. Chapter One. The pain faded. He lay there for a time savoring its absence. Once he was reasonably sure that it wasn't going to return any time soon he dared to open his eyes. No pain. That was good. But there wasn't much to see either. Blank stone ceiling in a dimly lit room. He sat up. Still no pain. And not much of an improvement on the view. Small, dim room, carved out of stone with a shallow pool of water beside him and some sort of table and cupboard arrangement against the wall; and a door. That was it. No source of light. Yet he could see, dimly to be sure, But how ? No windows. Nothing giving off light. And things were clearly no brighter near the door. The room should be pitch black, yet he could see well enough. This was not something he could do before. Before? The word echoed loudly in his mind. Fragments of memory flooded his mind and faded away before he could grasp them. Memories that felt right mixed with ones that could not possibly belong. He tried to reach for them, any of them, even the "wrong" ones. It was like trying to grasp fog. He kept trying anyway. And finally he was able to grab one. Just a fragment of time. Walking down some dimly lit hallway. Torch held high, for better light. Then Pain. And darkness. So, he'd been ambushed, knocked out, captured. And brought here? Where was here? Who? Why? The fog in his mind swirled and churned. And then he knew. Thulians. His blood ran cold at the thought. He was clever and now that he was thinking in abstract ideas and not trying for personal memories knowledge was flowing much more quickly and freely in his mind. Which was good; except he did not like the answers he was getting. Why Thulians took people. The fact that he could now see in the dark. His clouded memories. Not good. But the fact that he saw it as bad. Didn't just accept it as how things should be... Maybe there was hope. Dreading what he would find but needing to know. He closed his eyes and started exploring his body by touch.
  20. Notes. Right now I'm just sort of sketching out the main character and related points. So if you want the story without spoilers skip down to chapter 1. Throckmorton was born in the town of Demi. The half-elf son of a half-elf mother. Which means that his father is likely also a half-elf. Although he could be anywhere from 1/4 to 3/4 Elf and still have a son who would count as 1/2. Now as to Who exactly his father is... Well, given that his mother is a Tavern Winch; that's a bit of an open question. After all Demi is a Half-elf city. Not to say that there aren't a fair number of Humans, Full Blood Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, and so on living there. With nearly half again that many just passing through. Which is hardly surprising given that Demi is one of the three biggest port cities on the Eastern coast of Estria. The other two, just for the record are: WayMeet to the South. The largest Elf run city in the region that allows other races inside its walls in large numbers. And Ha' Ven to the North. Home to the Adventures Guild. A with enough racial/species diversity that you Are a Minority, no matter what race you belong to. There are slightly more humans than any other single race but they still only make up 20 to 25 percent of the total population. But enough about the world. We're here to talk about young Throckmorton and his early years. Being the son of a Tavern Winch naturally lead to the learning of the skills associated with the Rogue's trade. And when given a chance by some of the local Bards he discovered that he had rather a bit of talent for that craft as well. Which lead to his attracting the notice of the Dragon SilverFrost who just happened to have stopped in( in human form) for a drink. SilverFrost was impressed by young Throckmorton's talent and gave him a letter of introduction to the Bards Collage at the Adventures Guild in Ha'Ven along with a bit of traveling money. At the Guild young Throckmorton excelled at both music, and Rogue craft. Well, once he was able to find the Rogue's section of the Guild. Being able to find it is, after all, one of the requirements for admittance. Over time he became an Adventurer, joined a party, and after a number of rather routine missions aboveground, he set out on a mission to the Underdark. And that is where our story begins. And as his memory is rather fogged over at first... Well I had planned on just starting in the Morphosis chamber So if you want to be as befuddled as our hero skip to chapter one If you don't think it will matter if you know the high points of his backstory; Well if you're reading this you probably already read the rest of this section anyway.
  21. TLDunn213


    A couple of questions about the ChoKa have been brought to my attention as not having been fully covered. The first being there relations with the Aqualith. Given that the ChoKa can retain the ability to breathe water, and their low/outcast status in Thulian society. And you are quite correct; ChoKa are used as envoys to the Aqualith by some groups of Thulians. As well as Varna and even the occasional group of free ChoKa. Free in this case may be a bit of a misnomer as such groups are found almost exclusively in coastal areas that also harbor Aqualith outposts. And so such groups may be better considered as part of the Aqualith empire than actual members of Thulian society. This is further confirmed by the frequent presence of free Varna groups and some level of trade between all three. With Aqualith slime being a notable trade item. And the apparent use of that slime in regulating their lifecycles in favor of Varna ChoKa offspring. It is unclear at this time just what the Aqualith are taking in trade for the slime or what other advantages they gain from their association with the ChoKa and Varna. Further research into this is clearly needed. In any event, the fact of a connection between the ChoKa and Aqualith brings us around to the second question to be addressed here. Namely the remarkable regenerative abilities of the ChoKa. I've noted elsewhere both that they have the ability and that they use it as their means of reproduction. What I failed to address was the rather obvious question of how and why the ChoKa have a healing factor that is clearly much stronger than that of other types of Thulians and Thulian kin. There seem to be two factors at play here. The first is the fact that ChoKa, unlike other Thulian spawn, never go through a morphosis process. True there is the initial transformation from tadpole to humanoid form. But if we regard that as simply normal growth, then there is no morphosis in there lifecycle. And that is, I believe, the key to their fast healing. The ability to breakdown and reform their bodies, as other Thulians do, has simply become an ability to repair themselves all through their life rather than using all that ability in a single transformation. So, what does this have to do with Aqualith slime, given that I alluded to a connection between the slime and their healing factor earlier? First off, good for you for paying such close attention. And second, there is some evidence that the ChoKa are able to use the slime to not only argument their healing factor for themselves but to also use it to make a potion useable by other races. The exact formula is, of course, a closely guarded secret. But it seems to involve a mix of Aqualith slime and ChoKa blood along with at least some of the standard ingredients of basic healing potions. Which could well be one of the things that the Aqualith gain from their trade with the ChoKa. There are almost certainly other factors at play on both sides as I am quite certain that the Aqualith are fully able to make healing potions for themselves. But I am also convinced that there are clear advantages to gaining healing potions this way even though I have not as yet discovered what those advantages are.
  22. Wow. And I thought I took long breaks in my writing. 😁 Hope you are able to keep going on this for a while. I want to know how this turns out.
  23. Quick notes for now. A Dracon in service to the White Dragon: Lady Horefrost, approaches a group of adventures about rescuing a Dragon egg stolen by the servants of the ArchLitch: Angmar. Angmar' s motives involve a long standing feude with Seline Deathshadow. (see Behind the House of Usher for details)
  24. The room was dimly lit, with the client seated at the small table in the middle, cowl up, face and form hidden. "You, Seline ?" He ask. He spoke softly, but to Seline's trained ears those two words were enough to reveal gender and hint at social status. "I am; Rich man. Who are you, and who do you want eliminated ?" "You may call me Vrill." He placed a glass rectangle on the table and slid it tword her. "This is my rival, Doxx." A bag of coins joined the rectangle. "I need him disposed of; and for reasons, which need not concern you, I am constrained from doing the deed myself." Seline picked up the glass rectangle and looked at the image it held. A man of means, mid-twenties, nice looking. Perhaps she would take the seduction route... An ornate dagger joined the bag of coins on the table. "I wish for you to kill him with this; and return it to me afterwards." Seline looked at the bag of coins and the dagger with out touching either. A second bag joined the first. She opened them without picking them up. Gems. The guy was paying in gems. She almost turned him down right there. No one offers that much unless the target is extremely dangerous and hard to kill. She took another look at the image in the glass. Even the deadliest spellcaster tends to let his guard down along with his pants. She smiled and picked up the bags and the dagger. "Is there any rush on this?" "I will be in town until the end of the month. I would prefer sooner, of course. But I know that these things can take time. And I have no idea what his plans are or how long he will be staying." "Understood. I should be in touch with you within a week or so."
  25. The Deathcap is a "natutaly" occurring fungus found along the banks of the Styx. It is unclear if they are an offshoot of the Sporinids or were the base stock from which the fungus men were crafted. In any event they were cultivated and refined from their original wild state into the form we know today during the Zombie Wylding War. In fact there were several strains of them created by both sides for an assortment of purposes: Servent, Spy/Assassin, Shock Troops, etc. Being both plant and zombie they are vulnerable to things that can effect eather one, but also have a chance to be unaffected as well. For example, a circle of protection against undead might stop them but it might not. Due to their being both undead and plant. The alignment of a Deathcap is normally Neutral. But can also match that of their controller or that of the person the Deathcap sprouted from. This is most common when the corpse is quite fresh. It is also worth noting that if the corpse is both fresh and that of a spellcaster the resultant Deathcap may be able to cast some of the spells known to the original being. While there are some similarities to the Yellow Musk Creeper and its "Zombies" The Creeper Zombie is a plant that has used an animal as a template to grow on an replace with the process being fully biological. Death Caps on the other hand invade only a small amount of the creature that they reanimate. Growing and spreading over time as the original creature decays. And there is clearly a supernatural component to a Death Cap's reanimation as anti-magic zones tend to stop them most of the time. The few specimens that have been found moving about in an anti-magic zone were quite far along in the plant replacement process.
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