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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Ozymandias

  1. After what seemed moments and a lifetime, Dennis returned. He had another aboriginal man slung over his shoulder and a grim look. The other man, the group saw as Dennis came closer, had an arrow through his neck. He was dead.


    After carefully laying him down under a mound of painstakingly gathered stones, Dennis walked back to the tents. He gestured to assemblage to follow him to the television. All followed, Anzu needing a hand on the shoulder to bring her back to herself. She stood from a...vivid painting.


    The rock now depicted a too-real blood splatter with an oval in the middle. In the middle of the oval was a person that seemed to be pushing with all strength of leg and arm in a vain attempt to break it. Though the figure had no face, it still appeared to be screaming.


    She stood, taking Dennis' offered hand to do so. A tear ran down her cheek. She seemed not to notice. Dennis patted her gently on the shoulder.


    Anzu, sometimes Bob, convulsed once, and her body began a violent metamorphosis with an unearthly wail that pierced down to the bone.


    In two blinks it was done, and the black-suited man that stood where she had been raised a very large pistol to his chest, finger already on the trigger, safety off.


    Dennis had already begun to move in one blink, and his fingers stabbed forward with lethal force into the man's trachea once, twice, and, even as the man's arm went wide, firing off a round into the mahogany man's side, he was already crumpling to the ground.


    Dennis half spun to the ground and lay there, groaning softly. The black-suited man changed with the same screech, though muted this time, back into Anzu, sometimes Bob. Her eyes were already glassy as she breathed her last.

  2. Well. *That* was classical. :)


    Almost Poe or Lovecraft. Stands quite well on its' own, but I have to say the "room below" may drive me nuts if there's no followup. Was our narrator already using it for something else? Was it other members of his family who had been using it?


    Enquiring minds want to know!

  3. He touched his forehead. "Dennis. M'mate Owen's here too, but he's off to the loo."


    At the strange looks, he calmly indicated the sparse plant life behind them. "He's prolly done b'now." Dennis turned and called into the silent brush. "Oi! Owen! They're here!"


    His answer was an odd VIPP noise. Dennis looked quizzically outward at the sound. He began to say something else, but stopped at the strangled cry from Nathan. Turning he too watche din horror as Anya toppled bonelessly into the dirt, a few spatters of blood ringing the neat hole inbetween her eyes.


    "PULL YOUR SOCKS UP!", screamed Dennis, already nocking an arrow onto the bow none had seen a moment before. Soundlessly, he sprinted low to the bushes.


    "It's under the tents!", he hissed at Nathan as he flew past.

  4. Confused? Here's the breakdown:




    • Remember the Titans
    • The Man Who Would be King
    • Hello, Dolly!
    • Stomp the Yard
    • 50 First Dates
    • The Man Without a Face
    • What the Bleep do We Know?
    • Falling Down
    • Into the Blue
    • The Incredible Shrinking Man
    • Across the Universe
    • The Passion of the Christ
    • Phenomenon
    • Breaking Away
    • They
    • We are Marshall
    • Waiting...
    • Where the Heart is




    • I am Legend, Richard Matheson
    • The Tin Drum, Gunter Grass
    • The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain
    • The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle
    • Clear and Present Danger, Tom Clancy
    • Fade, Robert Cormier
    • The Borrowers, Mary Norton




    • Lost
    • Lost in Space




    • Sweeney Todd




    • "I am the Walrus", The Beatles
    • "Tommy Can You Hear Me", The Who
    • "The Music of the Night", Andrew Lloyd Webber
    • "We are the World", Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie, Quincy Jones




    • Beat Takeshi


    Video Games


    • Shadow Hearts
    • Alone in the Dark
    • Nights...into Dreams
  5. Remember the Titans

    I am Legend

    The Man Who Would be King


    Hello Dolly

    I am the Walrus

    Tommy Can You Hear Me


    Beat Takeshi

    The Tin Drum

    Stomp the Yard


    50 First Dates

    Shadow Hearts

    Sweeney Todd


    The Last Unicorn


    The Innocents Abroad


    The Man Without a Face

    Falling Down

    Into the Blue


    The Incredible Shrinking Man

    Clear and Present Danger

    Across the Universe


    The Passion of the Christ


    Breaking Away


    Where the Heart Is

    The Music of the Night

    Alone in the Dark




    Nights into Dreams


    What the Bleep do We Know

    The Borrowers

    Lost in Space


    We are Marshall

    We are the World


  6. I've never much liked the Dreamer as a character. He lacks so much personality. Sure, I know there's anger and devotion there, but in the pieces that follow him in his life as planeswalker, I've never caught even the vaguest hint of what drives that. I can't even pick out mysteries that I might wonder about, other than saying to myself, "Okay, planeswalker- why? What purpose knowledge and power? Why so venegeful? Why so dedicated?".


    That being said, I always love reading a new Dreamer piece because Z, you are a friggin' *master* of setting. Supporting characters, be they living, or other, like the automata you describe for us in here, spring to life every time. You draw worlds with a painter's touch- an amazing balance between conveying detail and evoking emotion with all the places Dreamer goes, and with everyone and everything he meets.


    I think it may be the simplicity you use in descrbing everything that goes on around the Dreamer, as well as the fact that you never fail to describe EVERYTHING that goes on around the Dreamer, and only ever just as much as we need to understand the scene (which quite often begs interesting questions in and of itself- Reconstruction Wars, you say? What wars were these? Why did they start? How did they change the face of the Eternal war, exactly?...to name a few). I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment, but that'll do for a start.


    Your settings and supporting characters are seamless. They exist in interaction with each other, but never interruption of each other - if that makes any sense...(I'll have to think more about how to better phrase that one too).


    Which also leads me to my one point of outright envy- I covet my neighbor's writing consistency!

  7. Over the hours, all who were called (who are left) finally trickle in.


    "Oi! How you lads doin'? Long trip, eh?" These words are his first greeting beyond gestures, and polite nods. His mahogany eyes scan leisurely across the last to approach.


    "Longer'n he hoped, eh? My condolences.", he continued, easy smile fading briefly into a frown. Sorrow too, crept into those fiery eyes, leaving near as soon as it arrived.


    "Good to see you lot all the same- or maybe especially? We'll see!" He lets fly with a laugh like his eyes; warm, bright, and just dangerous enough to evoke caution as well as comfort.


    "Dog?", he offers, motioning to his cooking.



    As warned, this one had to be cut short due to work obligations. XP

    However, the next one will be a full twenty-four hour phase (or until everyone has voted)!




    Though this does not mean it has to be nighttime IC- that, I'll leave to you.


    Specials, please toss me your PMs!

  9. The calls came, the calls went. Plane follows plane, follows plane, follows plane. States and countries begin to blur together. The man known only as EJLAD.JPEG's resources become more and more mysterious.


    As do men in black.


    Until finally, landing at wildly varying hours of the day, the survivors of what is perhaps the most dizzying airborne itinerary in history disembark, take an extremely dusty jeep ride for hours more, and finally meet, all at the same longitude and latitude in the Australian outback.


    To their surprise at being surprised again in this already surreal day, they find a campsite with fully stocked tents, coolers, and a TV and VCR. An aboriginal man looks up from the ten hot dogs he is roasting over a merry fire in a firepit. He waves.

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