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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

What is man?


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What is a man?


Here we examine,




Their various parts.


The instruments.





And over wise drive.


The often slow,

Never quick

All together dim



He seeks,

To explain,

What he is

Why he is here

Never looking in the open,

For an un-obscured answer.


What pulls and attracts,

Takes him apart,

Is the unknown country.

The far away place,

The creatures that lurk in the dark.


The interest that take them to new extremes,

The women they court

The honor they seek

But mostly lust,

The vision of a woman,

In his bed,

Much like a trophy won in war.


He thinks

He acts,

On impulse

And with haste.

But that is his way.


Can he truly know?

The worthlessness of his life,

Does he know?

The futility of,



His sun rises,


He lives for but a brief day.

Wasting it away.

Staring away into space.

Dreaming of forgotten ways.

Imaging better days.


But why?


For man has forgotten the reason

The way.

The once true and innocent path.

When everyone was…

Happy and strong,

Content with their hour long lives.


Man is,

A beast,

An animal

Breathing and eating.

Mating and reproducing,

At an alarming rate.

He is a plague a virus.

That will kill itself.

The why of his ways will never be completely answered?

And the way to the why is covered in debris,

An impossible journey,

So we,


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