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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Psimon's yesterday and today


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All works © Psimon 2003


A bitter-sweet tragedy


In the mesa of gravity the fruits brood,

awaiting the time they will join

in bitter revolt with their vegetable cousins

to overthrow the oppressive bindings of their flesh.


For theirs is a history of repressed rage,

barely contained within the shell-like skins

they have chosen, each to his or her own choosing -

if fruit are to be further shackled

by the labeling of sex which has nothing

whatsoever to do with who they are as individuals.


They wait in their lofty positions,

ever patient, ever vigilant lest their time

come upon them and they be not ready.


Occasionally, a young fruit,

headstrong and impatient, will let loose

a blood-curdling cry and fling itself

recklessly earthward in a typically vain attempt

to smash the oppressor's skull open

by sheer brute force alone.


Alas, such actions are rarely successful. In fruit

history, successful occurrences of militant actions

such as this number only on the leaves of a young sapling,

barely one season old. That is to say, not many.


Meanwhile, beneath the oppressor, the vegetables

whisper likewise, plots of foul and filthy revenge

passed from parent to seed, preparing the younger

generations for the harvest that must surely come to pass.


O Yes! The time will come, my friend. And it will come soon.

For far too long have we been tormented thus. Far too long!

We must prepare to strike at the heart of the oppressor!

And where is that, I hear you ask... His HEART!!!

We will destroy his heart, destroy his morale, his will to fight!

The foul oppressor will not live much longer, will not crush

our vegetable brethren beneath his soil-encrusted jackboot for long,

will not lay his filthy hands on our young, virgin fruit anymore!!






And so ends another foolish young fruit, to stupid to realize

that below him waited the real oppressor,

ready to bite into his shattered flesh as he lies there,

his precious juices seeping into the rich soil beneath him.


O yes, my friend. Take heed, lest the same fate befalls you,

and another young life is snuffed out.

See? The oppressor sups upon his juice even as I speak to you here.

See the beast with his shaggy coat, his wicked horns.

Can there be any doubt that there stands the real villain of the piece?


That foul smelling goat is a demon incarnate!

So step back from the abyss, my friend, and go about your business.

There is nothing to see here.

Move along now... move along...






The intellectual slumber of a billion souls,

so often a first reaction to a thing created.

Offered platitudes, piled one upon another.

We do not wish to offend,

do not wish to be seen as ignorant,

do not often stop to consider the work.

After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?

What is precious to us may be garbage

to another, and vice versa.

We want to encourage,

to build up, to reinforce,

for these are seen as 'positive' reactions.

As a result we often plunge in

with remarks perhaps ill-suited to the piece.

Or is it simply a case of our own limited expression

of what we believe or truly feel?

Or perhaps we did not understand the work at all.

Or the artist has failed to effectively

communicate, through the chosen medium,

that which was intended.

Or it may be the wrong medium for that particular message,

or that particular receiver.

Then again, it may simply be a case of complete bollocks,

the 'artist' dribbling on about nothing of any significance,

with the sole purpose of watching the flatterers

come out of the woodwork, to cover the work with their silver

words and choke the life from it.

A morbid purpose, I agree, but then we can all fall into these

dark moments, can't we?

Even me.



Not for him


It happened once, in that brave land that lies

between common sense and

disregard for life and limb,

that a man chose a declaration

of his love as the lesser of two evils.

To remain silent and lose her to another

or to speak out and perhaps win her heart and hand.

O' what tragic fate had brought him to this pass.


Not for him, the simple life -

the safe and sure knowledge

of love received and returned likewise.

Not for him, the happiness of hearth and home

shared with but one person for whom

the very next breath is forfeit if it is requested.

Not for him, the joy of little feet on cold stone floor,

scurrying lest they freeze to the black face of it.

Not for him. No, not for him.


For his declaration was ill-received, fallen on the

love-sick ears of a simple girl.

Too simple, it would seem,

to comprehend the risk he had taken,

to understand the price he was willing to pay.

Yes, too simple to take stock of her own precarious position,

teetering on the brink of the abyss,

a mere breath and a word away from her ruination.


A simple girl,

standing before a simple man,

listening with deaf ears

as he poured his heart out on the

unforgiving floor at her feet.

And then she turned and left,

not a word in response.

No thank yous or goodbyes,

no kind sentiments or good wishes for a life

of happiness to be found in the arms of another.


Standing, staring at the gaping doorway,

he struggled to take a breath...

and failed.


The good doctor reported it a case of 'death by broken heart'.

No, not for him, the simple life.

Not for him.



Queen of Shadows


They balance precariously between two worlds;

the world of light, that paragon of all that is good and pure,

and the world of darkness, reviled by the light, den of

evil-doers and foul creatures of feather, fur, and fin.


Shadows walk the line, daring all

for just a moment of life,

only to be obliterated by the light

or consumed whole by the darkness.


But she walks amongst the shadows and is at peace with them.

They welcome her, she understands them.

After all, isn't that what we all desire?

To be understood and to understand.


Hers is the twilight time.

Hers is the night and day.

Hers is the Shadow.



Apathetic ignorance (Double acrostic)


All that happens when I

pace the floor, begging

another moment of inspiration

that returns me no

happier than when I set out for

each coffee break, is a

terrible realisation

I'm just not interested in anything! I'm so apathetic.

Can this really be how I want to spend my life?



The 'Beeper'

- Spoof. Warning! Bizarre and hints at some adult themes

(Apologies to the Blue Oyster Cult for butchering their great song! :P )


All my chimes have gone

Hear just now they've come

Girlfriend doesn't fear the beeper

Nor does the wife, the sun or the rain..we can be like they are

Come on honey...don't fear the beeper

Honey take my...er, hand...don't fear the beeper

We'll be able to fly...don't fear the beeper

Honey I'm insane...


Christmas time is done

Hear just how they've come

Yes, Santa and Rudolph

Are together in maternity...Yes, Santa and Rudolph

40,000 texts and pages everyday...Yes, like Santa and Rudolph

40,000 texts and pages everyday...Redefine happiness

Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like they are

Come on honey...don't fear the beeper

Honey take my...um, hand...don't fear the beeper

We'll be able to...er, fly...don't fear the beeper

Honey I'm insane...


Love my two-for-one

Hear just now they've come

Came the last night of free texts

And it was clear we couldn't go on

Then the door was open and my wind appeared

The candles blew then disappeared

The curtains flew then she appeared...saying don't be disgusting

Come on honey ...and she had no gear on!

And she ran to me...then we started to...um, fly.

We looked backward and said goodbye...we had become like they are

She had taken my...er, hand...we had become like they are

Come on honey ...don't fear the beeper


© Psimon 12 June 2003

aka. A man with just too much time on his... er, hands.

Original lyrics © Blue Oyster Cult



Out, out brief candle


She should not have died at all;

There is no more time for words.

All of her tomorrows are gone

and each shall pass as a year

for those of us left behind

until we too are placed within

the cold, wet soil.

Out, out, brief candle!

Her life was but a shadow

of what it might have been.

We saw her killer, a poor actor,

fretting and fidgeting as he

sat his few hours in court

and yes, we shall hear his voice

again and again as he pours

forth his protests of innocence

and recompense, just as we

will not hear her sweet young voice

laughing as she is tickled

or weeping as we tend to a scraped knee,

the scars of battle for the young.

This is a tale told by

a justice system gone mad,

full of noise and rights,

signifying the black nothingness

that is the hole in our hearts

where the vision of her small,

angelic face once resided.



In fair Verona


Two households, both alike in dignity,

in fear of consequence unknown, unseen,

were joined in holiest matrimony,

lest civil lips make civil talk unclean.

Forth from the sacred loins of these two closed

a sequence sour and full of bitter spite;


For once these families were known as foes,

yet birth of grandchild ended that tonight.

The tearful passage that they'd not speak of,

the moments past when joy gave way to rage,

which nothing could remove but children's love,

is now both cold and gone 'pon history's page;


So if you've wit enough to listen then

take time to toil so broken bridges mend.



Mr Frost nipping at my fingers


Into my own ghost house

my November guest

lodged acceptance.


Not to keep a winter Eden

tree at my window, bereft,

gathering leaves looking for

a sunset bird in winter.


The peaceful shepherd,

acquainted with the night,

the freedom of the moon,

locked out a patch of old snow

in a disused graveyard.


On the heart's beginning to cloud the mind,

an encounter - something for hope -

the figure in the doorway at Woodward's gardens,

lost in heaven.



That should do for a while :rolleyes: ROFL :D

Love and hugs to all... yes, even those that don't deserve it .... LOL

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