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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Hundreds of people,

In the middle is a lost girl,

Nobody takes any notice,

Which is a shame- she is as beautiful as a pearl.


She stands all by herself,

Trying to find her mum,

She begins to get scared,

So she starts to suck her thumb.


It begins to get dark,

By now she is so scared, she begins to weep,

She yells out, but no one can hear her,

She lyes down on the ground, and cries herself to sleep.


The night becomes deathly cold,

But still, the girl lays there asleep,

No one pays any attention to her,

Then she slips into the eternal sleep, that is so deep.


By morning her mother sets out to find her,

She didn't know she'd even lost her little princess,

Her mother begins to fret,

How could she have made such a mess?


Then in the corner of her eye,

She sees a little body, lying lifeless, on the cold busy street,

She runs over in hope,

But, by the time she gets there her heart wont even make one last beat.

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You should write a follow-up of how the mother felt, what distracted her, and how she either deals with the guilt or lets it destroy her.

Might be interesting if she had another child, slightly older at home, and how it would change how she related (withdrew from fear of more pain, smothered to prevent it?) to the child.

But it's good as it is - just made me think. :)

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