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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Revealing Rave

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Bodies moving in the darkness

Music pulsating, alive

Crashing over the faceless

Movements controlled by the force of the beat

Sweat, perfume, smoke and incense fill the room

Breathing in and breathing out is its own statement

Fluid bodies move in time to one another

Girl sitting by herself, watching

Glitter dusted over her body

Dark, shadowy makeup makes her blend in

Trancelike, she moves to the center of the dance floor

Unlike the rest of the gyrating bodies, she is still

She looks up at the flashing lights and her eyes fill

Tears spill over her lashes in silent grief

No one notices as she continues to weep

The tears wash away her makeup

Her face begins to shine

As her mask is shed

She blinks and looks around

Silence has filled the room

All eyes are on her, for she is different

A slow smile spreads over her face, touching her eyes

She begins a slow dance of her own

Moving to the beat of her heart, and the hearts of those around her

She tilts her head back and raises her arms

The glitter on her body dances as she moves


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