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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Upon My Acceptance, Four Stanzas and Scotch


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Upon my acceptance, four stanzas and scotch,

And Wyv to the left, so my wallet I watch,

Down the hatch with the first, now up with the second,

Raise a toast for the third, and the fourth it has beckoned...


When into the tavern, should a fair maiden enter,

With a bow on her back, and a murderous temper,

Then I spin 'round the bar and I slur "Hey, who's she?,"

And my good friend Pered responds, "It's Yui."


I hide 'neath a barstool, I look in the mirror,

I make for the door, 'cause good-lor' I fear 'er,

Bu' mah brain's not qui' workin', an' i's cause for alarm,

Whe' in drunken stupor, Ah fall in 'er arms!


Mah face burnin' brigh' an' mah legs goin' jelly,

Ah feel somethin' comin', flowin' up from mah belly...

The next thing I knew was she said it was over,

Then I was out cold, but suddenly sober...


When I woke in the morning, and the sun split my eyes,

Face down in a gutter, and buzzing with flies,

There's a crimson-scaled demon in front of the hall, it,

Looked just like Wyvern... and holding my wallet!


He tossed it back down, and chuckled a bit,

And said to me, "Finn? Jeez, you look like [Editted by Bob the :ph34r: ],

"But there's just one thing, then I'm gone in a flash,

"Didn't you say four stanzas?" "Well, I'm not good at math..."




What can I say? It ain't Keats, that's fer darn-tooting.

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<_ ... i had to class="bbc">burn that tunic, you know. Finnius holds his liquor like a seive and his lunch like a newborn baby. Yui-chan smirks at the blue man.


You're such a lightweight, she mumbles with a teasing wink.

Edited by Yui-chan
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