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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Of Confused Romance

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Jumbled, and written without thought of a follow up. This is a first and final draft, but I felt like writing, and why just write, when I can share as well? :) Just thoughts of the moment. Enjoy!




Whisperings, of the muse,

None help me now.

Poems, prose, a laugh, a sigh.

None give that beautiful aid. That... knowing.


It is not saddness, this epiphany.

But leaves that longing,

Where those of faith

proclaim God rests.


An emptyness...

Comfort only in indecision

Pain in wanting, greed of tomorrow.


Oh how I wish that She could help me.

Evoke love, or lust, or nothing,

That I may enjoy direction.


Confusion and tranquility.

Limbo and purgatory do I now entreat

with my forced patience.

Tomorrow brings the dawn of yesterday.


Will Life speak today?


. . .

Or perhaps She has.

And I missed her whisper...

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Archaneus, Salinye,


Thanks for your comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) Salinye, there's a story behind every story, I'm sure you already know that. So: ask and (as best I can) ye shall recieve. Here's a basic run down (but be warned, it's kinda mushy. :P ):


The title basically explains where I started. There's a friend of mine that I feel really close to, and she gives me the feeling that it's mutual. But, we were confused as to which way to go - really more like I didn't know if I wanted to become more than just friends or not. So, with some good music on, I tried to explore my thoughts on the subject by closing my eyes and just writing what came to mind.


I could find no resolution imediately. Hence the first verse:


Whisperings, of the muse,

None help me now.

Poems, prose, a laugh, a sigh.

None give that beautiful aid. That... knowing.


It is not saddness, this epiphany.

But leaves that longing,

Where those of faith

proclaim God rests.


That second verse was a mixture of thoughts. I realized that I would not find some moment of truth - no romantic realization like in the movies or that kind of junk, and that in itself was an epiphany. But it did leave an empty feeling - and my mind jumped to the thought of one of our difficulties: She's religious, I'm not.


The next verse was actually an irnoy (though not for the poem, but simply to me) mixed with truth. You see I want the best of both worlds, even though I knew that it was impossible, and to try only brought the worst of both.


An emptyness...

Comfort only in indecision

Pain in wanting, greed of tomorrow.


So I got back to the subject at hand, searching for an answer. If in writing I couldn't find one, and I did not have a "higher power" to help explain my soul, who was I to turn to? Well, now a little bit of poetry really emerged. "She" represents both life itself, given an entity, and my friend with whom this conflict revolves around. :)


Oh how I wish that She could help me.

Evoke love, or lust, or nothing,

That I may enjoy direction.


Confusion and tranquility.

Limbo and purgatory do I now entreat

with my forced patience.

Tomorrow brings the dawn of yesterday.


But despite it all, like I said - nothing came of it, and I left undecided. Hence the above verse.


Then, as I finished, a very scary thought occured to me, and if I was to edit this poem, I'd change "Life" to "She" to continue the metaphor for both Life and my friend. Will I ever come do a decision? Has it already come and gone (Did I actually have feelings for her, and dismiss them as not real), and I missed it?


Will Life speak today?


. . .

Or perhaps She has.

And I missed her whisper...


And one that note, my thoughts finished, too afraid to explore that path. :) Not a bad poem resulted though. Having a tough time writing these days, so hopefully this is the first of a few.


Thanks for being interested! Hope I delivered up to standard. :P

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You did deliver, I like it twice as much now, thank you for the detailed sharing of your thoughts. May I offer a quote I picked up somewhere in my jumbled life? (Here is where I just pretend you leapt up and said "Yes, Yes, please share your quote with me, I'm dying to hear it!! *grin*) BTW, the quote only applies when there is love involved, but I'm thinking perhaps the word love could be replaced by several good words and have as much depth and meaning.


"If you tell someone you love them, they might break your heart, but if you don't tell them you love them, you might break theirs."


Just to add to your torture, my friend. :P


~Salinye :butterfly:

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