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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

BPO's 'Poetry'


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*Stick's eyes light up*


Wow, thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments... especially considering I've been in a funk for the last, well, long time. It really means *a lot* to hear positive feedback, no matter how little or how much. Thanks, and thanks a lot more times. Heh, if only anyone knew how many times I tried to start writing a poem and then just closed explorer out of disgust. It was getting ridiculous. Of course, we'll have to see how many more I can write. Time will tell I guess.





(As for help, constructive criticism never hurts... suggestions on how to improve, etc. Although I may not put them all into place, I tend to keep any sort of advice people give me in mind, and it has the habit of popping up when I write stuff ^.^)

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