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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Guest wordphoole

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Guest Kasmandre

Wow. Very cool. Very...imageretic (I make up words when it's past one in the morning). I like it.


Kasmandre, Initiate of the Pen


"Time slowed, reality bent. On and on the Eggman went."

-Dreamcatcher. by Stephen King


"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. by Douglas Adams


"Let's Roll."

-Flight 93

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First of all, my apologies for the time it took for me to get to this application... I've been busy with RL work recently, and unfortunatly haven't had quite as much time as I'd have liked for the Pen.


Secondly, allow me to add my praise to what others have said about your poem... I really enjoyed "Autumn Winds of Home", particularly your uses of imagery in the poem and your personifications of emotions in the elements of nature ("the sorrow of the wind" being a great example of this). I also liked the poem's melancholy switch in tone in stanza 4, as well as the structure of the work.


As excellent a work as this is, however, an application to the Pen must consist of a piece of writing specificaly written with the intention of joining the Pen, not a previously archived work. I highly encourage you to write another poem newly written for the Pen as your application, as judging by the quality of your writing I'm certain it'll be accepted. I eagerly look forward to accepting you then...



Almost a Dragon...


"If it doesn't make dollars then it doesn't make sense" - Triple Seis, "Glamour Life"


Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze.


Edited by: Wyvern00  at: 12/9/02 9:14:28 pm

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