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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Maid Mary with wind in her hair

Guest Turi

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Maid Mary was out on the fields one day

with wind in her her, with wind in her hair

Lord Olav came by with glowing desire

The light was on her, the light was on her


Maid Mary was forced to follow him home

with wind in her hair, with wind in her hair

A candle was lit and he admired her naked

the light was on her, the light was on her


Maid Mary escaped and ran far away

with wind in her hair, with wind in her hair

The stars were shining when she collapsed

the light was on her, the light was on her


Lord Olav made plans to kill the poor girl

with wind in her hair, with wind in her hair

He went to the king with a blazing hate

the light was on her, the light was on her


Lord Olav was praised for finding a witch

with wind in her hair, with wind in her hair

Soon she was captured and burned at the stake

the light was on her, the light was on her


Two angels came to where Mary was burning

with wind in her hair, with wind in her hair

when they flew to heaven, Mary flied with them

the light was on her, the light was on her

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 years later...

OMG! A lyric poem that reads like a ballad in blank verse. Or at least I think it's blank verse? And it has some distinct metric variations throw in for fun, so she must have been going for an iambic meter of some sort...


it so freaking beautiful, I want to die.


a few tweaks here and there particulary in the third lines of most of the stanzas and it'd be perfect. Like substituting "form" for "naked." in the second stanza, rephrasing the "blazing hate" in forth stanza just a tad etc.



Edited by reverie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. This is an amazing peice...I really can't find another thing to say.

Although "blazing hate" in the fourth stanza just...Doesn't seem to fit as well.


But despite that tiny fact, it's a wonderful poem. Very well done.

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