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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A dialogue; Or two worlds clashing


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Imagine, if you will, a world quite unlike our own. Gods roam it, and heroes and villains and monsters of various colors, sizes and nasty tempers. Magic flows in the air, heroic deeds are the news of the day every day and dragons roar in the distant wastes. They call the place ... Norrath.


This distant land, far away in time and place and magicality, is home to two different tribes of adventurers. Both may seem similiar if spied from afar, but a closer examination clarifies the profound differences these two tribes have...


A broken tower of a huge castle surrounded by moat. Inside, near a window and knee-deep in rubble stands a knight in silvery armor, carrying a huge flaming sword, fair hair flowing in the slight breeze. The floor is stained with old blood. The knight looks around, ready to fight if needed, when an adventurer clad in odd bits and pieces of armor, all different color, style and material, and wielding a huge spear in right hand, massive longsword in left, appears.


Adventurer: Hail, Knight. Hail, Knight. Hail, Knight.


Knight: Ho, adventurer! 'Tis fine to see some civilized company in this thrice accursed castle of evil!


Adventurer: invite plz


Knight: Very well, my new and stalwart man-at-arms - together we shall cleanse the stain of Venril Sathir from within these walls.


Adventurer: class lvl plz


Knight: I have difficulty deciphering your accent, sir, but I assume you enquiry about my training and how many seasons I have fought against evil here and elsewhere?


Adventurer: class lvl plz


Knight: Very well, sir. I follow my god Mithaniel Marr and try to emulate his immortal ways as well as my lesser spirit and mortal frame are able. Thus, I have been trained in the use of martial weapons and the heaviest of armors, and even in the mysteries of priests. I have been following my vocation now for over 58 seasons.


Adventurer: k Im rog 54 u pull


Knight: Before I set forth to draw the canine guardians of this castle from their lairs, there is a question burning in my mind. How do you, dear sir and my current loyal man-at-arms, manage to effectively use two such unwieldy looking weapons at the same time?


Adventurer: Im rog u noob I got dualwield


Knight: Ah. While that did not fully illuminate the darkness that descended upon my poor wits when I first saw the odd combination you, dear sir, seem to be using, and I hasten to add I have utter faith in you and your martial ways, I will be content with the answer.


Adventurer: pull plz


Knight: Do not despair, my loyal companion, the evil shall have it's due! On the other hand, haste leads to doom, sayeth my old mentor, and thus..


Adventurer: pull plz!!!!!1


Knight: Very well, sir, I succumb to thou eagerness to lay a divine, nay even holy reckoning to the enemy. Wait here, and I shall lure the unsuspecting and overgrown dogs of war to this very spot. For the Truthbringer!


Knight disappears into the gloom of the twisting corridoors of Karnor's Castle and reappears after a minute leading a horde of drolvarg guardians and sentries. He bleeds from many wounds but doesn't seem alarmed. Adventurer, on the other hand, goes white with shock.


Adventurer: OMG TRAIN!


Knight: Assist me in my holy mission! Preaching to a drolvarg sentry with steel!


Adventurer, shouting: TRAIN!!11


Knight disappears inside the seething mass of drolvargs, sword rising and lowering a few times, then it too vanishes beneath the flailing werewolven arms bearing various steel weapons. Adventurer is nowhere to be seen inside the castle.


Adventurer, in Dreadlands: n00b


Knight, naked in Shadowhaven: Alas, I have fallen! But by the miracle of gods and the Order of Soulbinders I have returned to this world for the glory of the Truthbringer! Now, my loyal ally, wouldst thou be so good and seek a priest of my own faith to restore...


Adventurer, in Dreadlands: thxbye


Knight, naked in Shadowhaven: Man-at-arms? Dear sir? Dost thou hear my lament? Oh my misplaced faith! This is the darkest of betrayals...


Voice and vision both fade to black.


There we have it, the two tribes. As ever, their actual name depends which one you belong to...

Edited by Alaeha
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Peredhil falls over laughing, his shadow (Frond), leaps about Dancing in mirth.


Ah yes...


Trying to Role Playing in Norrath frustrates both tribes to no end.


Beautifully captured the tone and essence of the exchange.



We do not write because we want to; we write because we have to.


W. Somerset Maugham

Edited by Alaeha
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lol... fun, fun...


A world away, a kind of play

Forsaking life, to build a life


leaning in, to suck your soul

The smallest price, so pay the toll...


Numbers dwindle over time

Up to you, to hold the binds?


No, do not go,

We need you here

To build a quest, for all rest


Help you say? Why go away?


Our we not the ones you sought

The ones who channeled, trained, and fought


To fade away, in light of day...


To leave us now? How shall we play?


We need you dear, our matriarch

To learn us all the trails you fought


Your leaving now? So be it go...

Leave the house, to crumble so...


Twist and turn, and start anew...

Burn my eyes, i missed you too...




the dreamlost


"a cave of thought"


the dream continues...

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