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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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While many believe the Slisty to be a race unto themselves, this is not actually the case. They are in fact a type of ZaRak. The confusion is however quite understandable as the slisty are contracted for periods of 5 to 10 years. With many Slisty staying out in the world for many more years after their initial contract is completed.

While other ZaRak can be hired for various projects, these arrangements are typically for only a few weeks and seldom for locations greater than a few days travel from the hive.

Slisty are humanoid in shape standing around 5 to 6 feet. With 5 and a half being the most common height. 

They range in color from light tan through brown to dark green. There is no apparent connection between color and age or gender. The latter bit being no surprise as most people believe them to be genderless. 

This is another understandable mistake, as they do not want the truth of their nature widely known. The reality of the matter is that they are in fact hermaphrodites. So that a pair of Slisty are able to start a new hive in any location that suits their purposes.

This is quite likely why they exist and are contracted out in the first place.

As it both provides income for the Hive and allows for a long scouting period for the finding of suitable locations for future Hives.

For those who may not be familiar with the Slisty a quick rundown of their aperance and abilities.

As noted above they are humanoid in shape, three fingered hands with opposable thumb and claw like nails. Capable of dealing damage equal to a typical dagger. 

The most notable feature of the Slisty is of course their large compound eyes. With each simple eye having an optic membrane, similar to that found in Morlocks, and able to both focus and polarize light independently. Slisty have truly amazing visual abilities. Including 180 degree vision and almost supernatural accuracy with ranged attacks of all kinds.

While somewhat more limited in the range of temperatures they can tolerate compared to other races, their other abilities still make them a highly valued addition to military teams in a wide range of operations.

The full lifespan of a Slisty is unknown as they do not come out into the world until they are full adults and return to their hives before the onset of any  desernable signs of aging. The typical active phase for a Slisty is around 50 years. 

The outer carapace of a Slisty is comparable to boiled leather and provides protection basically equal to armor of that type. 

As to weapons, they prefer ranged weapons, naturally But seem to have little preference beyond that. 

They can and do carry and wield close combat weapons with adequate skill and no notable preference as to type.

It is not really all that surprising that their skills at close combat are not that impressive given that very few foes are able to survive long enough to reach close combat range.

If you are deadly enough with your bow and throwing knives, You aren't really going to have much need for a sword. 


Edited by TLDunn213
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No book.

It all relates to my Shard Scape game world. But the stuff I have here is as close to organized as it gets; for now.

Why ?

Because I haven't gotten around to doing anything more with it, yet.

In the meantime I am willing to try and answer any questions you might have about my world and the things that are running around in it.


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Is it self-contained or does it relate to any other worlds? How complete are the game mechanics? Is it its' own system (like D&D) or can it be used as an add-on (like the Atlantean Trilogy)? Ballpark, how close to being usable is it? Wait. . . what's THAT!? No, seriously! WHAT'S THAT RIGHT THERE!? AARRGGHHH!!!😨😱🤪

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Back when I was running a campaign in the Shard Scape, I was mostly using D&D 3rd edition for my game mechanics. With a few mods for stuff that D&D didn't have.

The Shard Scape is both a game world and the background for some stories that I intend to get back to working on someday. 

The stories are sort of connected to a second world that is a version of Earth as it would have been if a Thulien colony ship had crashed under Chicago in the 1920s.

The main Shard Scape is a D&D ish world that is coming apart due to time travel paradoxes that are mostly the work of the mad god  yuuxath.

I'll need to take the time to look through what all I've posted so far to figure out what lore I have and haven't covered yet.

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