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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Winter's Dance


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Hello again beautiful people!

I wrote a haiku, and I just HAD to add more to it...I know, too much of a good thing, spoils it. :P Can't help it...I'm just not satisfied with only 17 syllables.


Twilight in the afternoon,

Grey skies hint at a bitter cold;

Summer's dance is done, Fall's in the wings

Tying on her slippers with ribbons of gold

While Winter takes a spin--

crystal-bright, she touches us all

with a breathless


that cuts like a knife.



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In 1066, the wheel rolled 'round,

invisible became visible, the mighty Paradigm uncloaking

Drums beat, feet tread to the tune of Feudal lords

Until ignorance and Black Death shook them

from their marble pedestals, falling,

into the courts of the Great Church.

Then turn again,

schism, corruption, ripped the Church in twain,

pursued, believers fled to foreign soil

to start again; but overhead

the Papal Cross, and Crown

spread grasping hands.

Around again,

The foreign soil claimed as Hearth and Home,

plowshares turned to swords, across the land

and Crown and Cross, flung back across the sea,

relinquished, by necessity, their hold.

Then sat they down, the Leaders of us all,

the Mighty Paradigm they took to heart,

considered, searched, and fell upon a goal;

they turned that wheel 'twards a steep uphill route,

and slowed its turning, with the Power of Faith.

Now I see more--

the slope's progression rises, but our Wheel

has turned aside. It twists and jerks along the rocky ground

off of the path, along a downhill slide

--I fear I see a cliff! And yet I ride--

chained to the Mighty Paradigm,

with baited breath,

for, are we chained to life? Or is it death?

Edited by Harmony
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  • 2 weeks later...

Snypuier, you are an old flatterer. *smiles*

Here's one just for you.


Snap and hiss, dance and flick,

is it thin or is it thick?

flash and slash, scratch and scrape,

heaving mud, floating crepe

never laugh at a live dragon

hitch your horse behind the wagon

little girls can lead donkeys

loudest screams from smallest monkeys

what is life? and what is art?

see, we've known it from the start...

paint or clay or words or truth,

all is art, and we are proof...

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