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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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The Pennites gathered in the Cabaret room suddenly fell silent when they started realizing that the rumbling sound which had been nagging at the edge of their hearing for a while now was actually becoming louder. Those Pennites blessed with a sharp hearing start making out groans and the sound of rattling bones as the sound grows ever louder.


After a while everyone except the deaf can hear what sounds like a very ill mob shuffling towards the Cabaret room. By the time they realize what's going on, though, it's already too late as a mob of zombies and skeletons bursts in through the door.


When the smoke has cleared a bit and various Pennites have managed to clear their throats, Venefyxatu walks in and looks around apologetically.


"You know ... when charged by a mob, you only need to run faster than the slowest member of the group."


Upon seeing the looks on the faces of the Pennites, Venefyxatu apologizes.


"All right, I'll stick to necromancy and forget about stand-up comedy. Although you might want to read this."


With that, he puts a notice up on the wall and leaves again, leaving his minions cleaning up the mess they made.


They've been around on the internet for quite a while, so I'm sure most of you have seen these already, but I got poked by our resident Wolf-Lady into starting a thread about them. I'm talking about Demotivational Posters. As much as I enjoy inspirational quotes and posters, I love this different way of thinking even more.


The idea of this thread is quite open: pick one (or more) of these posters, pick someone to give them to and write something that involves your choice, be it a story, RP, a poem, or something else altogether. Maybe you could even pick one for yourself and write about receiving it, or come up with a situation involving you and the poster ...


Or don't pick one of the existing posters, but make your own ...


Do make sure to consult with the person you're going to write about first. This is meant to be fun and light-hearted, but hurt feelings are easier to prevent than to heal ...

Edited by Venefyxatu
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Snypiuer LOOOVVEES Despair Inc.!!!!!


Never thought he should bring it up because an individual who stands out from the crowd is a target.


Would seek to participate but knows his place as nothing more then a cog in the machine. A mundane, replaceable cog.

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Snypiuer, you're right ... I'll need to conform to the mass more often :ph34r:


And Wyvern, thanks a lot ... my colleagues are now looking at me funny because 1) I actually laughed out loud and 2) I have a very weird desktop background that they don't understand :lol:

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