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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Summer Heat

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The fire crisps all flesh it touches,

Winds steal moisture from the ground,

And yet the air is heavy this day,

While drops of liquid heat abound.


Insects flutter through the sun beams,

Die in carnivorous decay,

As the tubed plants of the garden,

Arch in every sunlit ray.


Heat that steals the mind's lucidity,

Burns that put the body down,

No relief from scorching deserts,

With air in which you continually drown.


How you long for inspiration,

A cool breeze or darkness of night,

Escape away from dusty haze,

Find a way to stop the light.


Then clouds roil up and suck the moisture,

From the heavy laden air,

Lightning flickers through the ozone,

Crackling through the breezes fair.


Rain comes down in booming torrents,

Soaking parched plants and land,

Rising up in flooding waves,

Soaking all in a cool-fingered hand.


As quick as it comes, it's gone again,

But the air is sweet and fresh replaced,

Strengthened against the scorching sunlight,

But begging the storms to come in haste.

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Nice Summer snippets, Kikuyu. :-) I think you do a particularly good job of detailing the unbearable and draining Summer heat in the first few stanzas, as I could definitely feel the moisture of the air in your descriptions... reminded me of Maryland weather, UGH! >_< You should pay a visit to California some time - we don't get the thunder storms you describe here, but we do get rain and more importantly our heat is almost always balanced out by a nice cool breeze. Mmmm... pretty much perfect weather year round, actually.

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